to carry out your 143 Lake Ave."Phone _Wllmêtte 1265 15LTN36-4tp fFURNITURE MOVING, AND 0THPER MATE£LIAL TRANSPQRTED. ALSO TRUCK FOR RENT $5 A DAY. CALL WILMETTE 1187. 15LTN36.4tp FIREPLACE WOOD: $9 PER TON DELIVERED Gust Anderson, Wilmette 452 15LTN36.4tp JOSEPH &NEIP CEMENT AND MASON CONTRACTOR. ~"~'alzin -Waterproofing Basement. 114 higton Ave. Wilmette 2618 21LTN34-4tp Experienced, Carpénters, AT YOUR SERVICE. WORK CUARAN-' teed& J. Horak. Winnetka 3348.> ___________2LTNW36.4tp an PAINTING AN D CORATINS I. SKOLNIK COUPwEE ZC4O4T1MG SERICE Lowest prices. Wnti paper removed *th the Kerp-Hyde machine. Mlso paper cleanlng-wal wawbng Any job. Rets. tialiyinsured. QUALT ORK ONLY. Tree estlmates. Wlmette 4M8. 25LTN20-tfp LOUIS SKOLNIK OFFERS THE VERY LOWEST PRICES on .Compl. paint & dec. line. I'm sure to please you wlth xny prices and workmanship. S<pecially reduced price on Waflpaper. Caryisurance. Phone Wilmette 3503. Winnetka 1921. - 25LTN37-ltp Painting and Decorating DURICOOFP ZCX)RATING SERVICE Winetka 710 2SLTN3-tfc PLASTERIN~G Repairs. basemts. cemented or whitwshd G. A. Thursby Wilmette 3387 ___________________25LTN26..4tp PAINTING ANI) DECORATING FIRST CLASS WORKMANSHIP RELIABLE & REASONABLE PRICES C. W. ANDERSON WILMETTE 4621 Painting and Decorating t Good Work at Winter Prices Z Van Wagner Wllmette 501j 25LTN37-tp ideas. orDependabilhy and -Economy. Consui.t,Ths Service Page _____________________________________ .1 60 PIANO TIJNiNG EXPERT PIANO TUNING $250 with cleaning AVEnue 642Î 20. yearg,' exp. Magnus. Go anywbere Steinway School Work Guaranteed >OOLTN3-4tp EXPERT PIANO TIniING, REPAIRÙ- work guaranteed. 22 years' factox7 ex- peience. H C. Thomas, 250 N. Pr Ave, ar Rdge 1477. 60LTN35-4tp *7A SEWINC MACHINES INVENTORY SALE! SINGER ELEC. ÎN beau. new wal. consoles $49.50, port- ables $18.50, drop hd, $10, Wilcox & Gibbs port. $29.50. North Shore Sew. Mach. Exch. 1114 Davis. Uni. 5525. 67ÂLawa6)4tp 70-A RIJG CLEANING SPECIAL DISCOUNT 0F 20% ON cleaning and repairlng of al rugs and. carpets durlflg January and February. ARAM K. MESTJIAN, 511 Green Bay, Rd. Wlmette 5051 70A-LTN37-7tp 73 RIEWINQ MACHINE SEPAIRINO GUARANTEED SERVICE Sewing Machines. Vacuum Cleaners and Radios. AUl Makes. Free Est. BLISS ELECTRICAL SERVICE 607 Dempster St. Ui. 6680, Gre. 7177 73LTN17-ttc 3 L-@ST ^ND POUND GOLD' JNIT:IAL PIN WITH LETTERS, L.M.S.. Lost in Glencoe JTan. 10. Reward. Highland Park 430 1. .3LT37-ltp LOST, CHROME RACING S KA T ES, size 6. Alfred Johnson make. Bet. Hazel & Hawthorne on Grnlf. Please ret. Bibise Cook, 424 Gi-cenleaf, Glencoe 1067. Re- ward. 3LT37-ltp TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS REWARD Il DOGS AND CArS0 LINDENHOF KENNELS OFFER TEE BEST ACCO-MMOD)ATIONS for your dog while'you are south. Large. beautiful grounds, heated kennels; priVate inside and outslde runs. Only. healthy dogs accepted. WM. SCHAEFER,: Wau- kegan Rd., Glenviewi, Phi.Glenview 270. 1ILTN35-4tp BEAUTIFUL FEMALE WIRE - HAIRED .foxc terrier. Housebroken. 7 months old. Both. sire and dam champions. $25. Bàtwvire Keninels, Winnctka 2430. 1ILTÏN37-ltp 44 iNSTrRUCIrioN ,Fgure. ICE SIATING Fantci Private or group. Reasonable rates. JUNE MAJOR, Gre. 6644. 1912 Central 44LTN37-ltp PRIVATE TUTORING FOR GRADE students and coaching for hlgh school students. Good references. Wil. 4527. 44LTN36-4tp 47 MUSICAL INSTRUCTION PIANO INSTRUCTION fIN YOUR HOUX or studio. Adv. pupfis and beginners. Approved elasgical curriculum. Ais. lat- est method for popular swing harnony aranements. STLAMODON.ALD, M.Wu. WIL. 5057 4ILTS$-tfe GARINO S<iHOOL OP MUSIC Spanish or Hawaiian guitar, accordion, violin. 604 Davis St., Evanston. Uni- versity 48W8. 47LTN37-4tp Ut INSURANCE Automobile, Fire, Casualty, Liability JOSEPH P. COLLIGAN Real Estate, Notary Public, Insurance 558 Grecen Bay Road Winn. 1760 51LTN24.tfc 139 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 4 STEINWAY GRAND PIANOS 7 other fine Grands must he saer. MeG UIRE & ORR, mIe. Over 45 years of Depedable Service 530 Davis St., Evans. (Gre. 1080, Wil. 228 87LTN37.ltc fEDERAL HOME LOANS LOANSý ON NORTH SHXORE 'HOMES .Max imum blans. Convçnient monhiy repaymnent plan over 5 to 15 years.; Deal with a local institution. Full details by'inqulry at First Federal, Savings & LOAN ASSOCIATION 0F. WILMETTE Mr. Clifton, Secretary 1155 Wilmette Avenue Wilmette 1623 87LTN36-tf c FIRST-MORTGAGES, FUNIDS AVAILABLE ATCUJRRENT RATES 0F INTEREST. FHlA FINANC- ING. REFINANCING AND REORGAN- IZATION LOANS. PROMPT SERVICE.» Joseph C. Cormack & ýCo. 1569 Sherman Ave., Evanston Uni. 3 87LTN43-tfc 94 SITUATION WANTED-FIEMALE CALL MEAYAKER FO:R The RIGIIT help for the RIGHT place We don't place ail the help on the North Shore, but we try to have the best. WINNETKA 3012 SHORLINE EMPL. AGENCY 746 Elm St. Winneika 94L37-ltp EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS cookmng, serving; will make oinen face sandwiches, hors d'oeuvres, littie fancy party cakes at homne. Wlmette 442 94L37.îtp COMP. WQMAN WISHES WO1RK ANY DAY INCL. SUN. HOTISEÇLEANING. WASH WALLS. PREPARE AND SEVE DINN)ÉRS, CAR£ FOR CSULDREN EVENINGS. BEST, RETS. WIN- NETKA 415. 94L37ltp GOVERNESS OR: COMPANION POSI. tion wanted for my governess. who has been with me fourteen years. Com. petent driver, piano lessons, seamstress, care of sick. Tel. Winnetka 2968. 94L37..ltp >GOOD COOK! MIDDLE-AGED SWEDISH with best references, Cal 2668. 94L W/TAM 4LT N37-Itp TN7p ial s iiý 1 tom,