*Redmeed for. Clearance In, this special -group ,you',ll" find full ashioned'three, -four and five thread hose; also a few pairs of Won't Run .s. Broken sizesý and coloris, but a: god assorment to choose, from. In sizes Y2 tO 0312 -Pair 59c Coed Knee.LengIm Hosiery In brown, rcd, green, n.avy, naturai'. and beige. Ideal for sport wear and especially pricedý for clearance. Sizes 92to xIL.Pair 39c Skatimg Socks Wool and cotton socks with detach- able jingle bells. In white with col- Qrdtops, also pastels, n.avy and brown. Sizes 9V/2 to 12, but flot every color in every size. Pair 49c W.oU Scarfs Plaids and plain colors in square. or i long Iengths. Grand values at 59C W.@I Miff ens' Gay mittens i plain styles, and sorne com.bined with leather. SiZeS 2 to 8. 59 to $1 You'Il Welcome These. Worm Lingerie Values. Dalbriggon Pajaomas Full cut for comfort and freedom and styled without collar, long sleeves and ski trousers. Sizes i S and 16. Exceptional values at 55C l&ully taulored for fit andl urabiliiy. In lace trimmed or tailored styles. Tearose only. Sizes 34 to 44. A grand slip value at $1.75 IY. Pria# end Pastel Dresses brlghteoe wlnter cocts These are j ust the type of, dresse s that give yuand your wardrobe that mnuch needed f t.. Refreshing floral prints, black and white duco prints and soft ýpastels. Nkeely styled of.rayon crepe with interesting d.- tails and trims'.. Sizes for misses: women and little women. No wne oldrumsfo 0o with dresses fie., our You'll wonder how we can get so'much style, quality and workmanship into stick moderately priced dresses. Theyre the. typical wear-everywhere type. Interesting prints in floral and monotone patterns, misty 11.5pastels in rayon crepes and rayon jerseys. Sleek fitting one piece styles- with much draping and tucking. Plenty of jacket dresses too. Sizes o to 17, 12 tO 20, and 182to 52y?. S.. M ýcolora. adszs 10 1 and