Presiding Officer * Another decade was notched in its tablet of years last Friday when, *the Arden Shore association heldis annuaI luncheon meetinghmth bé l room of the. Chicago, Atbletlc 'asso- ciation. Recognition of that decade was given by Mrs. John Eugene Davis .of Glencoe, who, during, the businegss meeting was reelected to offce. In ber comments 'upon the past ten years, she contrasted the size. o! the luncheon* assemblage lat ri- day, one of the largest in its histor.', with the number, ten years ago, when one of, Fridoy's tables wolï have accomâmodated t h e entire crowd. She mientioned the four new buildings added in ten years. The *replacing o! Borne buildings, the change once in the. charter, with the addition of t he men's advisory b~oard, were orne, ofthe distinctive~ accomplishinents of t he décade. Tbrough the "lean years," Arden, Shore's ship has been guided through rough ftnancial reefs and milsa again in safe waters, and dur- ing ail those difficult and uncertain days its "prograin standard bas neyer slumped." To be able to look back forty years is the privilege of Mrs. Robert Gregory, honorary president of theý association, and luncheon speaker.' We could not help but think with what a feeling of thrill and satisfac- tion lWrs. Gregory, one o! Arden, Shor'es most ardent "boosters," de- voted frlends, and workers, can look back through those years, and then frorn that early -beginning in Glen- coe as Gads' Hill camp in tents reached by a two-plank walk, looic ahead to, the present, to Arden Shore as it is today. Her stories and remi-, niscences delighted her hearers. With not quite so many years ofg intimate association with Arden1 Shore, but with nearly as many, and1 PhotograPhie Ilustrations ilrt. Wilttalw Leggft ad 4M4ï.-P redér,'k UtIhern,.of Evanst .on, and Mrs. Herbert Peterson, of Wlmette, from left to right, respecti*vely, lwere photo graphed recentiy at a luncheon where final plans were being madle f0r the second annual "S pring Notes" fashion show, whf ch the board of the Woman's Symphony orchestra i: sponsoring. The fashion showv and tea will be held Tuesday afternoon, January 23, at Marshall F:eld's at 3:30. Mrs. Leggjett, Mrs. Uihlein, andi Mr$. Peterson are part of the group of north shore yeutig women who will act as ushers at the fashion show which will be held in the Walnut and English rooms at Field's. Fashïons for spring in town, as well as for those who seek out the sun, will be shown. Mrs. W*iiam Stanley of Chicago and Mrs. Charles W. Wrigley, of Wilmette, arèe o-ehairmen of thze affair. following officers: Mrs. Gregory, honor ary . president; Mrs. Straub, first vice-president; Mrs. James A. Cathcart of Lake Forest, second vice-president; M r s. Herb ert S. Nock of Evanston, third vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Roy A. Marquardt of Evanston, recording, secretary; Mrs. Mark D. Rector o! CIencoe, corres- ponding secrètary; Mrs. Roy E. oa Modern, OId-Fashioned rc Dances Planned for Party, SThe Holy Name society and the Mother's club o! St. Joseph's parish in Wilmette announce that for those guests who do flot care for the old square dances,' the program at their M~ pre-Lenten party will include mu4ic tiç Fund at Bryn Mawr When Eve Curie speaks at New Trier High school auditoriumFriday. evening,.February 9,. the sâcholarship' fund of Bryn Mawr college will be substantially augmented by. the re- ceits . In this, divi sional district o! the United States,,as in eight others, a certain quot a must be, raised ev. ery year to keep in'college the three students already there, *and to send a, new one in June. Miss Jean Small, of Winnet ka, a- senior, was prepared at New Trier Hi1gh ýsehool; Miss Dorothy, Voigt, 1 nother senior, and Miss Elizabeth. Alexander, a. sophomore, are- both from Chicago and the Chicago Latin school; Miss -Jocelyn Fleming, a freshman, the daughter of an Army officer now stationed ini Minneapolis, went to Concord acad. emy in Boston. Their work at l3ryp Mawr *is continuously reported to be of exceptional quality. It is especially interesting to note' that the New Trier student, Miss Small, is the daughter of the head o! foreign languages at that school, and that, through the excellence of, her work in French, she was enablied tspend her junmior year i France. The committee awarding these scholarships is headed this year by Mrs. Chiarles. Henry Brown (Bertha Alling*) of Lake Forest, assisted by Mrs. Robert Brown and Mrs. Dar- rell S. BoYd of Winnetka, and Mrs, Webb Stevens, Jr., o! Evanston. Tickets for the. benefit may be btainèd from Mrs. W. N. E isend- ,ath, Jr., 585 Longwood avenue, :;1encoe. ýapfisf Dinnmer Friday night of this week, Dr. H. I. Smith, dean of the Chicago Baop- her nomE The date nesday ai the place1 s ubeen ueciaed on.