A Real Savings Event for Styl end Economy-tvinded Mon and Young Mon you, iuiuwmgly, Wouia accept the role of an involuntfary kiler? -The questioninsults your in telli,; gerce and your iflstiflctS, for.none of. you would' be so, inconcelvablyi heartless. There is death, 1 not brought b violence, which may be cheated as definitely by you as. though you.w were to save 'a friend from, drowning thiîs minute. There is suffering' that need flot be infiicted on thousands of Arnericans, most of themn young, if you take the sirnplest action against it., There is *tubéeulosis'. ReduceDeath Toit Trhe germi that causes tuberculosis was. discovered withïn the lifetirne. of rnany Of us-just fIfty-five years ago. But, in the thrity-nine years since 1900, the toil of lives taken by this disease annually in the United Stattshbeeil ?éducèd moreé than 70 per cent. That le what the mobil- ization of understanding, syrnpathet- Jc people has accomplished against an enerny whose defeat le assured if the battie continues as it is going. Your own tuberculosis agency, the. Wilrnette Health Center, is n the thick of the fight. Behind the lines are clinies and laboratories in which the methods of this warf are con- stantly are studied, inn rder *h±>f iL AND T f Values f'o $3 9.50 Values, to $5000 Where does the ammunition corne from f. o r obtaining final victory. against an enerny that is weakened, but still dangerous? It cornes frorn you who, with your pennies and your dollars, b u y the little Christmnas Seals on which success depends in this fight. The Seal sale is running a littie Iower than that of a year. ago,. and again we would like to remind you that it is.not too late té send in yoiîr *This group includes mony H$ckey-Freeoman Cusfomnized garmenis.. Proportionate roductions on other Hickey-Freemnan clothes. IWHILE TH EY LA$STI Full Dress Tuxedo WILLIAMS RAY MacLENNAN OVERCOATS JACK GREENIIALGH enuiwol Value.s lo $65.00