nad competea is trainng and uiood flier, judge -of the Municipal court of! qjJoseph B -________eic___ILner on the threshold of a serles of bat- Chicago, who served in the 15. K 1 , erer em bner, F.andSlvPGil-GUEI ties wherein its spirit, its powers o! Infantry of the division (the "Fight- MahiHebert Zeises. MGrl Z. and M*s. Jack H. Nasora, 1761 endurance, its devotion to ideals, ing 6th" of New York) willbc toast- br îs Washington avenue, are the parents and its willlngness to sacrifice was mnaster. Winetka: Col. Walter B. Wolf,, o! a second daughter, Élitabeth Lou, to be put to test. WII Show Film Maj. Howard R. Stone, Cecil Hog- born December 21, at St. Francle Trhis meeting is beingsponsored The special feature of the celebra- arth, Welngton Coldge, Kenneth hospital. The baby's sister,, Nancy, by the Illinois ch apter o! the Raîn- tion will be a private showlng for Cooper, George Hu!ton, L. P.ý Jer. lu a year and a.,hlt'èkLd.M bow Veterans association. Among the Rainbow men and th eir wives rard, Fred 0. Mason, Roy Andreae,. Naison's mother,' Mrs.> A. D. Gilett the guests who have been invited to, and friends. o! the motioný pite, .D .Mtsn n rvn de. !Eeeh Minn., arrived last Bat- participate In this anniversary cele- "The Fightlng 6th," which Warner I Glencoe: William G. Brown and urdayto spend several weeks wlth bration are, Col. J. Monroe Johnson, Brothers. have made from thé World Herman, Von, Glahn. her daughter. and !amnil. Ueresohition it' s not to TAc mod iI/uttrated il the BuaICK SUPER mode! 51 four-do. r touri*g sedan $1109 deli'uered ai Flit, Mich. 9K'hi'e idewali tire tO nake N o matterwhat's happened to Nthe rest of those firet-of-the- year vows,'there's stili time to re-, solve to have yourself mre full old-type gear lever for Handishift transmission that works witha finger-flick. yoùrself to room-, So why 'wait to Jet your Buick? lances are low now-lower than on smre sixes-and delivery is prompt. Your dealer has a fulli une to show, too, and your old car's worth more i -I.