To the "Carioca," or resident of Rio de Janeiro, the month of Felb- ruary means only one thing-the celebration of the Mardi, Gras Car- nival, wbich takes place this year on February 4, 5, and 6. ln fact, throughout the rest of, the, year he. is. laningfor these three giorious days of. fan and laughter; 'and by February.1, the informffai pre-Carni- val parties have begun and the streets are full oit .children arrayed in colorful costumes. Ail Work Abandoued *With the, officiai opening of the celebration,. a 11i work in Rio is abandoned, and eventhe most prOp- er and stald ofIt ndividuals fali vie- tim to the carnivai madness which pervades the veryatmosphere. Daz-. zling parades of loveiy floats and gay costumes,. b rilliantfancy-dress balis,, vari-tinted maelstrom of, peopie, dancing in the streets, make up the pageant, which increases in excite- ment to t h e glorlous climax of S1hrove Tuesday, whein 4ife 4.kes on' the garb o! joyous make-believe and ail festivities continue in full swing1 until midnight.1 *While the carnivai spirit is re-t puted to reach its greatest height ini *Rio, the parties and parades mark-( ing the celebration of Mardi Gras1 follow much the same pattern in qiIi oft the gay capitals of Latin-Ameni- ca. Everywhere, this fete is the grea test yearly occasion, in which al classes mingle and partinni)te: midwestern' winter vacatlonlst of any place in the world. Delight!ui climate - healthful, brlght sunny days=clear rnoonlight nights-end- Iess, miles -of broad sandy beaches- sporty golf courses-au Ideal, en- vironment oftering unlimnitedoppor- tunity to those o! ail ages for relaxa- tion, exercise anid amuùsement. It is truly "Amenica&s Win ter Piay- ground. 1The popular Dixie Route train, the Dixieland, is now in service between Chicago and Florida. , Last season. The Dixieiand carried more passen- gens than any other train ftrom Chi- cago, and as in previous years, it is the oniy one this year enabling Flor- ida traveiers to, reacli their destina- tions with only- one night of. travel. it carries though, Puilman equip- ment to bath East and West coasti. Two other fine trains round out the Dixie Route service, the Dixie Plv. f CrrivalSailing J'àhuary'24 mâches Ra in time for ihree. glorious .days and nights of colorful Mardi Gras festivities 'n. th gyst City of. the, Ameri ca s.- Your ship isyour botel e in port.. Speciat 25-day cruise returns to New York february, 19., For tiiose aftendîng aur own Mairdi Gras there are ail-expense tours ta New Orleans. As:*ofiii representatives, we NOTHarrange reservatkns,, tickets, witbautfee.. S HORE ýEDNA- M. TRUE, Manager, TRA&VEL SERVICE