FIRST CHURtC.11,0F CHRST, SCINT1 Tenth Street and Central Avenue Wednesday-Testimonial Meeting--8 p. in. Suinda y School Exercises-9 :45a.m JANuARY 14, 1940 Sinbject: SACRAMENT R~EADIN~G ROOMd-11,33 central Avenue Open Daily 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday 9 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to'9 p.m. The Bible and Works. of Mary Baker Eddy, and al other authorized Christian Science Literature may be read, borrowed or purchased at the Reading Room. TUE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH SERIVICE AND VISIT THE READING ROOM * MTs. FreeZlnd G. Stecker will present a book r e v iewi ,on "'Wlistler's Motherý" at the regu- Lar meeting of ,WÛmnette Legion 1Auailiary, Unit No. 46, TuesdaV, Januarti 16, at 8 p.m., in the Wilmette Maaonic temple. W*lmiette Cïflizexï Avoid Trap Set By Mexican Swindlers A story appearing in the papers Tuesday of this week to the effect that a university professor of Chi- cago had been defrauded of $4,500 by Announcemnent was made at'the f- fices of the grade. separation' en- gine ers, Tuesday, that the retaining wali in Indian Hill from Hawthôrn lane to Ivy court wa.s practically completed to the south limits of Win-ý netka, and it~ is hoped. to have t;he wail finished in another month or six weeks. .Wednesday of this week the south section of the east haif of the foun- dation of the Winnetka avenue sub- way was poured and the steel super- structure is now in process of erec- tion. About one-third of the second cut, or the grading for the perman- ent tracks of the Chicago, North Shore, and Milwaukee Railroad com-_ pany has been completed, it. is an- over to Chie! of Police Cloyd C. Mc- Guire, and others to Psmse Herbert L. O'Connell, for investiga- tion. It is said that one Wilmette man was preparing to go to Mexico, but on second thought deeided to in- quire of Postmaster O'Connell, who advised him of the nature of the scheme, upon whicli he permanently postponed the journey. Gnests Witness, Basehail Filmi More than two hunidred bsns andl professional men of the North Shore were guests- of the Wilmette Rotary club Wednesday of this week at Shawnee Country club, the occa- sion being the showing of the officiai George Morgan o: and a friend, X Ïtt of Nashuaý, Iowa. er '28, aüd rear's week- eriicLoom*JiUIls Ay- who came for the e show on Decemn- ed over, the New, I.