Pr L'4DrUIWO5s@FII ijiversity, i waU nounced this *week. Classes wlf held i Wieboldt hall on the Chi- kago campus. Registration for the second semes- ter opens Saturday, January 27. .#goeta 8,700 personsaore expeet- éd te attend classes beglnning Wed- taesday, Februiary "7.: #tAccountîng for. the La*ee: wIi be taught by William L. Brody- 0f the achool of 1mw. It wil lay weial empha-dsls on, th eoütng principles and practices with whieh the lawyer cornes hI n ost frequent contact, and will include the study of public utiity valuation, types of accountlng records, analysis -of fi- nancial statements, and. related sub- jects. Other courses te be offered ln the. aceeting 4ppartment , Jnglude "Aucftin,"'Problems in Federal Jubome Taxes," "Misceilanjeous State and Federal Taxes," "The W"* ~of the. Comptroller," <'Systems Mèims," and "Budget Procedure." I*come Tex Procedure Course 18 Oflered by NEfI. Commerce ScIaool neufl.&. A e ~ jormer ~iUbtruVitr, who gained his a erly turne and experience as a golier on the. North Shore, recently vesigned from the, Sunny Croit Counry club, Clarksburg, W. Va., to take a position at the Fai4fieLd Country club, Faiwfield, Iow'a, on Apfi 1. weire saved.Tw mechanles were Workdng, in th e garage at th e tUrne. M. -C. Tlbbettg Manager M. C. Tlbbetts yesterday expressed his appreclation for the generosltY of competitors and auto- mobile dealers who. offered the use of trucks 50o that deliveries could go on, with little or no. Interruption. Bo.wling. X. or C. LEAGUE tokte oda gaine froin Ace lYo- tors; Alten mortuary dropped two te Braun Brothers' 011 company; Wilmette be company won two fromn Wilmette theater; Mac's con- fectionerY took two from Evanston Paint and Glass eompany. Games of 200 or botter were roll- ed by Paul Bleser, 205 and 208; Nie Miller, 210; Phil Bleser. 214: A. Lu- supervision prieparuî.ury, o uniu- ance of their flying training at Ran- dolph Field, the West Point of the Air, and Kelly, Field, San Antonio. It 'was explained that .miany young, men erroneously believe it takes:con-' siderable time alter applications for examination are filed beforé they can enter flying sehools. To the con- trary, every opportunity will be glv-. en te qualilled mnen to start their courses without delay either in ýFeb- ruary, March, May or June ýof 194. Ail that. is. necessary. is that men wishing to enter the flying cadets be unmarried, have attained their twentiçth birthday,. but not yet reached the twenty-seventh, andý be able te pass the physical examina- tion. llnless they have had two years' college training or more, it wiU b.e eeauy for eppliemulis to take a wrltten expamination to es- tablish, their educational qualifica- tion as equivalent te two years o1 college credits. It la advisable for ail applicants Who can begin their training in Feb- ruary or March to apply now and avold the greater competition which wil occur for the May and June' classes. ýn *agEUZItis seasun im te uoJrers' association tournamnents. 1division of the scbool of Mr. and Mrs. Paletti are makfi ce on the Chicago campus. their homne for the next f ew we ourse, deslgned for business at 302 Glencoe road, Glencoe..E eutives, lawyers, bankers, golf achool is to be open froin Ruts, bookkeepers and any- a. m. te 10 p. nm. daily. , who has to Mfi out those ated blanks, will be taught W art Y. MeMullen, C.P.A. $tu- Warn Chauffeurs of LU finish the course two days fhalL. f wl 1r. Uf *.a-0 nuo <n mze ith oor of the±Hamiliton iotel i Chicago for the winter. Ehere are 10 practice, nets and, iutting course. I2,605 Conzeç-Uonery lw27 2?AU3 te Theator 16 32 'M3 thigh three, gaines, Alten's, second hlgh three gaines, Ace ;2,596; third, high three MORE SJEUDANLEAGUE <January 5) hwod Coanrs won Lest Aver. ,hoo lenrs...36 18 887 e Lino Motors....... 36 18 8m, viow Recreation..35 19 858 1 Cleaners .......32 22 842 sStore for Men...27 27 Ul2 eced 'o ,o or tbree Cs. , J10 »mobile department stati y fo*,ms'are returned b )licants forget te sign thE es te applications. aining new high sco ismuch as separate for eaclx section. YTean Hi Sngle ame: Locust Farxn -st night Stores, 5mi; Lynamn's and N. S. Times. uns anid 545; Voltz Grocory, 528. anity ndivdual l!igh Tbree Games: L. Gritz- Oft 0 baugh, 458; M. A. Miller, 4533; J. Schwall. r prizes 432.1. are set Individual High Single Gane: L. Grltz- baugh, 183; M. . Millet, 169; E. Schwan- bock, 165. men acem One. r me is .el