moul Temle. or information eau Win- netka.,3W0. 14XLTN36-tc 147 FOR SLE -- "Ounce WE'ýVE SPENT A' LOT OiV TIME checking.over Ispring'.offeringe and.we reafly believe the. most complete and coinfortable home you'Ill find anlywherc lu this 6 room Dutch Colonial in Wil- mette. 3 spaclous bedreooms, large close- ets, airing deck, huge living, roomn and natural fireplace, extra lavatory,- break- fat nook, oil heat, fully insulated, white brick fenýcî;d yard, 2 car garage.-LÔw taxes and lieating Only $9500 with terms like FIlA. This wifl be, one. of the first houses to elsos you should plan to sec it now. SMART & GOLEE, Tre. 154Sherman Ave. Wilmetteb 2486 147LTN36ltb CAPE COD COLONIAL ON A B3EAUTIFULLY LANT)SCAPED btlf-;aere 1m l o'vey cosin e4suta e- tien. Unusual paneled living room, 4 bed- rooms, 3%/ baths, rec. rm attached ga- rage. 3 perches. An opportunity to ob- tain a really f ine home at mucli les than cost. Shown by appointment only. Call Mr. Daily EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FRANKLIN REALTY 1569 Sherman Ave., Evans. Uni. 7777 147LTN36-ltc COUNTRY ESTATE WIHLOVELY GROUNDS IN REAL rural settlng. Attractive, rambliflg brick home wlth wood shingle roof. Sev- eri large rooms, 2 battis, oil heat, 3 car attached garage. Priee only $17,500 on attractive andi economical teris. SJ*ORE-TOWNS REALTY CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre. 2700 WiI. 608 Rog. Pk. 6636 147LTN36-ltc WHY BUILD WHEN SUCH VALUES AS THESE AWAIT YOUM 618 Wayland, Kenil. 6 rms. 1 b .. $8,000, 519 Gregory, Wil. 8 rms. l11/2b.,.$8,750 530 Washington, Wil. 9 rms. 2 b., $11,.500 611 Willowv. Winn. 7 rms. 2V2 b. . $11,9000 2507 Kenilworth Ave., Wil. New 7 Winnetka 3250 Rogers Park 7302 147LTN36-Itc EXCEPTIONAL NEAR NEW TRIER - JUST REDUCED for quick sale,. this house has every- thing you could desire. 3 bdrms., si. pch. 2 b., Ist ,fi. lav, gas heat costs o niy $125. Tule roo;f. Now $16.000. ONLY $6,500 WILMETTE - IMM.DIATE SALE 0F this attr. white fr. Col. home,.us nec- essary tç scttle estate. ý6 rms., lge. liv.. rm. and bedrms.. 75 ft. -lot, ELMER ýE.-:STULTS, Imc. 460 Wnek Ave. Winnctka 1800 147LTN36-ltc BEAUTIFUL E 'STATE, 0F TYPICALLY ITALIAN ARCHITEC-. turc, on valuable 1%/ acre site. A very spacious and wel bulit home with 0 bed- rooms, 4 baths, library, solarium, attach- cd garage for 3 cars with chauffeur's quarters above. Now offered at a frac- SHORE-.TOWNS REALTY. CORPORATION 1603 Chicago Avenue, Evanston Gre. 2700 Wl 608 Rog. Pk. 6M 147LTN36-ltc FOR THE FAMILY WHOSE CHfIL- *dren grow up in this east Kenilworth home, with grammar school and New ,Trier within a fcw blocks, beaçh and train easily accessible, there is no chauffeuring problem. Weli buiît and spaclous, on a beautiful corner lot. 5 bedrms., 3 baths, andl lovely porches. Only one of its kind in this exclusive location at $23,000 QUINLAN & TYSON, Ine. 584 Lincoln Ave. Win. 177 _ 147LTN36-ltc WHITE COLONIAL WITH ALL THE. LIVABLE FEATURES' a discriminating buyer dcmands. 6 bcdrms., 4V2 baths. Panielled library,. open pch., breakfast alcove. New, attrac- tive colonial papers. 2 car garage. Ex- cellent location near schools andl trans-, portation. Ask us for key 'for this out- standing value. BAUMANN-COOK 553 Lincoln' Avenue Winnetka 3450 147LTN36-ltc NEW OFFERING SOLM 'BRICK COL., SLATE',ROOF, large wooded lot, 1%/ blocks to lake. 5 bedrooms, 3%2 baths, modern kitchen. book room, game room. Pans. axiytine' ý-owner moving west, asking $26.000. FRED'K B, THOMAS & CO). 545 Lincoln Winnetka 2850 147LTN3-tP WHY >PAY RENT.? SEE Tis LOVELY f6 ROOM BRICK and stucco bungalow on beautifully wooded,50 x 175 lot. Fine condition. Ga- rage. $7.500. 1Hill & Stone, Wilmette 1644. 147LTN436-ltc REDUCED FOR. QUICIC CASH SALE. -6 room cozy Wilmnette homne, close to schools and trans. Fine neighborhood. Cash, $6,500. Cail Winnetka 2767. $8.750 FOR GOOD 6 ROOM DUTCHC- lonial house, near "L" Large lot, love- ly trees. Call Wilmette 1650~ evéhings. 147LTN354tp 7 ROOM flOUSE, 4 BI)RMS.. 1 BATH, H.W. oùl lt., 2 car gar. 237 Wood Ct., Wlmette. Immediatè pos. $W. Near transp. Cali owner, Winnekta 3621. 148LTN34-4tp 1131 FOR SL-VACANT DESIRABLE VACANT LOTS ARE: rapldly being built upon. Why not buy yours for your hew homene ow. THE:Y WILL NOT BE LOWER We will also build a fine 6 roomn house for $8,500. LOT S FROM $1.500 - EVERYWIIERE ELMER E. STULTS, Inc. Winnetka 1800 151LTN36-tp CHOICE 90 x 200 FOOT LOT IN IGH- land Park, $6,500. View of lalçe. Wil consider trade for imail home in good condition in Evanston. Caîl Miss Sidway. CITY NATIONAL AGENCY 0F EVANSTON, Ixc. 800 Davis St. . Greenleaf 1410, 15ILTN36-ltc 162 .ACEAGE ANDESTATES_ _ FOR SALE- 53 acres, 4 MILES ,north of Niles, Mich., with lovely wood- cd valicy traverscd by stocked trout stream, and with level upland with front- age on high bluff above St. Joseph Riv-, &r,giving wonderful view. Chestnut lined onrne a T del fr. <.ni-v ~rhone 173 FOR UALEIUCELLANEOU FR IMMED)IATE SAE 0FrTOUR N neccsary furnîture, household eets, and antiques. PHONE UNI. 0109. CROST. FURNITURE STORE, establlshied 1898 wlll give your caîl prompt attention for single. itemns or complete home. 173LTN49-tfC' SEVERAL PAIRS GIRLS ANI)BOYS .,ICE SKATES, GOOD AS NEW. REAS WALNUT DINING, SUITE, 6 CHAIRS. BUFFET, TABLE, 2 EXTRA LEAVES. LIENEW, RASONABLE.' WIN. 2273." 173LTN36-lItp BABY GR ANI)PIANO WITII BENCU, $85; man*s Manchurlan wolf coat, $35 Bohn ioe. refrig., $15. Large lion Rit mangle. Young male Eng. setter. Cali Newcastle ý1287. 173LTN36-ltp GIRL'SICE SKATES RACERS SIZE 1(). GoOOb CON4DITION. Like new. Winnetka 2549. 173LTN36-Itp a OVmtetOA1!S. iXe. coND, SIZE-38-4t $225 viôlin .... .. . ... . ... . $150 Winneta 2144 173L36-ltp PAÀIR 0F' BOY'S ICE SKATES, SIZE 921, W.L.S. racers. In good condition. Reàsonable. Wlmette 2694. --173LT36-ltp 2 PAIR SONJA HENIE WHITE SHOE hockey skates sizes 6 & 8. Ph. Wil- mette 3765. 173LTN36-ltp 174 WVTD. O suIy-M8ÇELLANnous; Junk Dealer Goidman offers you ai market for BOOKS., MAGAZINES. FUR1NITURE' PAPER. RAGS and pays hlghest priées. Call Wil. 47. l74LTN25tfc BOOKS Wll. buy your books. ,Also private 'libra- ries. Will caul. WILMETTE 3214 174LTN36-4tp Junk Dealer Phil Sehurnan S :Will buy furniture, bath tubs, old iron. Wasling machines. Any kind of junk. Pay best prices. Wilmiette 744.. 174LTN36-ltp, Mattresses Remade Low as . .$395 Nô Dicu DICuNT i:I Il NA WkfcI