-ZL wi IL I W W m . - - a qL. M e< qq.' l R Kk w ,e w -u- WILMETTE, ILLINOI.S transmnitted i n response to eall of the Auditor of Public. Accouhts, pursuant to law. and ohowing :conç.itioen at the close of businçss on the ý3th day of December, 1939.' RESOJJRCES. Cash. and due from banks..................... ...... .$3,051,339.57 Outside,:checks and other cash items .................M95.88 Ujnted States Government obligations,:direct and/or fully guaranteed........................................... 654,574.84 Other bonds, stocks anid securities ........ 1...................... 512,474.11 Loans and discounts .... .......... - ............691,,350.9.9 Overdrafts...................................................... 140.51 Banking house $150,000.00. Furniture and fixtures $1.00. ........... 150,001.00 Other resources ........................................... .... 1,423.83 GRAND TOTAL RESOURCES.. ......... ........$5f,000.73 LL4BILITIES Capital stock................ 1................ ................. 0,090 Intome debentures and/or capital notes .......................... 67,675.0 Surplus......... .............................. 55,000.00 Undivided profits (Net) ............................. ...... 3,444.31 Reserve accounts .................................... 138,674.90 Demand deposits -............................... ...... ....... 2,746,492.6U Time deposits ............ ...................... ........ .... 1,938,169 .32 Total of deposits: Secured by pledge of bans and/or investments .......................... none' Not secured by pledge of loans and /or investmnents .................... .$4,684,661.93 TOTAL DEPOSITS ............... $4,684,6161.93 O0ther liabilities ............. ................... ........ 14,944.59 GRAND TOTAL LIABILITIES ..................... $~5'064,400.73 I, C. W..Schafer, Cashier of the àbove naxned bank, do solemnly .swear that the. abo* ~atmeat i tuet th ~of ~y ç,ow edge and belief, and that the items and z amonts sbomwuaboveagr wth the items adaoun-tsshoxminthereotmaeo C.W.SRAFPR, oaryPbi SEAL) My commission befre expiresthdaFeob.a9,ry11940