circus cornes to a close Sun- DoS Enjoy, Con day night,- January 14, in bhe Inter- natilonai Amplitheater at Hialsted orn, either musical or literai, lu and42n srees.fine wt band leader Phil Harris, and42u srees.who lu Jendrng his histrionie talents Meanwhile, there are afternoon to Paramount's saga of thé West. and evening performances in, and "Buck Benny Rides. Again," Rtar- above the three rings of the amphi- ring- that. man. of. muscle, Jack theater daily through sundaY. (Buck)> Benny. The widely .heralded acts, a r e Liuteners by the thousands have more- than éoming up to- advance hadHri nrdc iàl-ve billihng and thrilling the crowds, the air* as "1the King of Corn,."' and which already have passed the 200,.- S 000 mark for: a new high record in today the maestto's fellow troupers Chicago circus annals. discy:1red Pi.likesthe literai vai- WITEFAVO1RED "Buck.Benny Rides Again," Harris sits at, the bar of, a night club. and DooesDl ji' fondness for munches on Popcorn. Before the white exterids' beyond her wardrobe. sequence was finally completed, The~~ atss ho etrs. to the Harris devoured a full gallon tin. screen for the femi ine lead in 1 *9youkoe"heepa dt "Arouse and Beware," refuses toé elouacto rs.e,"he emg o! C o have anything but white flôwers in f________________kin'o Con. her dressing roomn and bedroomn at home. Rer favorites are gardenias, Co. gOLance G.ets m~agnolias and freesias. RenadeDebut on Srreeiz -~ For the first time on screen, the Low 08.. $395t 'D nf fthe Tt.11" ..J11l h~- V1111ýý u ý 1. -qw - 1 - 1-- ul e * nAir-L wiji ne, sflOWf V.rgLewPl.s . Ai N. M su o.n the screen in native scenes of M-G-M's "Congo Maisie," featuring Irauches Sluànber Shbop n ohr n onCrol a 1M6~~~ -Iro v.g~j Raset, noted for his technical direct- 1 ,50 Sh rm a A v . 00 u n . 2 20 ng of A frican dances in su ch pic- JIINI MAJOR SO1 DANCING bures as the "Tarzan" films and TAP. -SALLET - TOI - AÇRtOBTiC "Too Hot to Handle," is responsible Au1 CkumSaairs. n pj<,l for the innovation. BAILRfIUIMf lesme'aRaset toured iAfri2 n 1-q -f 40piiuearouU5iZI the natives to fever pitch afier which they are capable of feats of superhuman strength. 'BLOOD BILOTIER' Explorer Ralph Don»Idson, tech- nicaldirector for "Congo Maisie,"I is one of the few white men ever-to, 1be made a "blood brother" of the famned ]Bush tribes of South.America. w w 101 EAST WALTON ~I.uw -Ssii Uik w.t .Paia.oivef. h. r s&tTZ1<ng spectacle for Charles Laughton. [Filmn Guide Keepsake Now Prop; JStarlet Is 'Happy e The following comments on films Fo th frs tme n fur yas at local motion picture theatres are V.i-rinthe f.side n forwears i Filmishced yteNo heBte. vorite necklace in a motion picture. Filmscoipcil.Virginia, who plays Tannie Edi- Key: A-Adults, Y-Youth,. 13 to 18 q- - - - ~ i He wears the outfit i one of the I;.Congo laisie: She has received comnedy sequences o Fec ib fordinner invitations with post- out Téaru," just completed for Par- .scripts asking her to do card tricks amnount at Shepperton Sound City, and.her magician act as after-dier London, co-starrzng, Ray Milland entertainment. and. Ellen Drew.