LOOK ýAT THESE SPECIAL CLEARANCE VALUES I .. . . .. . V/hile a liniii.d supply lc#àt-now Iate-mod.l appliances ai priées fluai Ore drassiicalfly r.due.dl M The. Christmas, rwh is over-and, now cornes the sale thait hundreds 'have been waiting for. Our January crlearance 'of Gas Ranges and Refrigerators offers to residents of this ýcornmunity a. choice, of brand - new, late -model appliances- complete with ail the much -talked -about features and advantages that have made' history in 1939. There is only a Uimed numr e of these- "vc.yspeciairbargpim befng offered at these reduced prices-so don't delay. Set a date and corne in now. You'il be well rewarded with a substantial saving in money! LIBERAL TERMS-Smaii dlown paymnent. Balance, plus small carrying charge, with pour monthly Gas Service bill. SIRVEL ELECTROLUX OAS REFRIGIRATrOR 5 cubic foot anodel'-K500A No moving parus to wear or make noise. More yeas of savings and service. (Model 414.93) FEATURES: Robertshawý oven heat control a Ueavily insulated ovens e Smokeless broiler grill Autornatic top lighter. Wass$94.50 jPUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY SF NORINEIN ILLINOIS