the French room iof the Georgian hotel, Evanston, at 3 o'clock, Sun- day afternoon, January 14. This Workshop series is devised to pre-, sent active members of the Alpha chapter of Pi Beta to, the allimnae, patrons and patronesses, and gener- ali1public. Appearin g on the' program ihis month will be Miss Jean Fischer fromn the school o! music at North- western, and Miss Anne Hardy, with co-worker George New, from the school of speech. bUss Fischer will -- play the piano selections: G, B and Mr<dMS ntnSha A Sharp Racbmnaninoff Preludes, the >M.adMs no cwl C Sharp Fàntaisie-Irnpromptu by of 1500 Mapte avenue, WUlmette, Chopin, and Chopi's B Fiat Scherzo. announce the engagement of Miss Hardy and Mr., New wil pre- their, daughter, H1elen Dorothy, senit.a very novel feature in a pro- to Reinhardt. Lange, son of M(r. grain of puppets. Tbey have. called and Mrs., Dièeirch Lne their1 puppeteer projeet "The Suit-. Morton Grove.- The announce- case Theatre," and will present the ment toas made lcnown on Christ- playlets, "The Holiday of the In- mas eve at a dinner patl/. The fanta," and a cîrcus' act, both by vedding uwill take place i the iRiq o zufazo. Hazn4 pupaetsa re sr. g used in ail of these acts instead of eloth puppets, and Miss Hardy and Mr. New wil wear colorful peasant Youtlifui Artistr, to costumes in keeping with their p'ro- B oossWî gramn. B oossW AU o! the patrons and patronesse- Sy~mhn Orehsr alumnae, and those interestcd i j, K O y s either mnusic or speech arts are, 'n- The three concerts by the Chicago vited to attend this third Workshop Symphn rhsr ceue o gathering. Tea will be servedf hn rhsr ceued for Iowing the program and general dis- orchestra hall next week Wil be con- cussion and suggestions will be'hi- ducted by Hans Lange. HIe will also vited on the part of guests. ,tk t~>r hp~~..' *' cluedon r.Frehs ptogbernam The concert Will oe sponsorefi DY clued nM.Fechspo mthé Concilium couneil, an organiza- are.tioný of young married members of Joyetue Marche ...........w. .dhabrler the church. It is open free, to the "La Mer" <"Th7fe oea"),.......»bsypbi.Da o -Bate1o h .,From Dawn to Noon at Sea. D.usy1 pbl-. ea Jhn eatieo!tî Gamnbols of the Waves. sehool of music at Nortjiwester uni- Dialogue Between the Wnd and the Sea., versity, a member. 0f the church, Variations on a Themne by Joseph wl rsd. Haydn. Opus,58a..........Brahmus ipeie Ail.initerested. i the type of music Plan Varied Progrmn played, are invited, by Mr. -French The prograrn will include nine- to hear his concerts o! recordings, teenthi century and, conte-mpoôrary calling hîm first so that he may. pre- ,choral. music, modern arrangements pare for a, sufficient nu mber. of two folk songs, music for string -quartet, andsongs for soprano and To soloists. To. BeBfkleTwo advanced students frorn the -- school of music, Elizabeth Spelts and John Sergey, will do the solo work. Miss Spelts is the holder of the Charles P. Grey scholarship for the -third succesive .year. ,She ha.- done solo wýork i the west and in the Presbyterlan and Baptlst churches in Evanston. Sergey, a Chicagc'an, was - - soloist with the university's a cap-ý Pella choir when the group appeared with the Chicago Syniphony,,Iast western university will give a pro- gram Sunday everiing, January 14, ini MacLeish hall at the 'Evanston First Baptist church. The program: he Snow ..................... Elgar Il Sul ...Da .............. Straus Glee Club ehi Me, Oh Blue,_Blue Sky .... Giannini See North, Woods Movie The youngest members of Fort Dearborn chapter of the D augbters of the American Revolution, com- prising the Page group, will hold their monthly meeting Thursday ,evening, January 11, at 8 o'clock. Miss Betty Stokes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Stokes, wil be hostess to the group at her home at 2306 Harrison street, Evanston. oumtain School then adjourned bridge. concerts will be that for the young people on.Wednesday afternoon. A young pianist, Diana Brodsky. has been chosen from pupils i the pub- lie schools to make an appearance as soloist, she will play the Rondo from Haydn's Concerto i D major. The programn will also include von Reznicek's overture to "Donna Di- ana"; "By the Brook" from Bee- thoven's. I'Pastoral" Symphony No. OU1-- -- -- :"-as-ola j lhp*n>A. 1pie Ir' a - The sOlOist wiUl be heard i two pni JWorks on Mr. Lange's fortheomldngj by Berniie photo, Mr. and MTs. Edward J. Lipsch,: '501 Maple 'avenue, Wlmette, nnounced the engauement of Hayq .........Weaver Plower of Dreams............ clokey Balloons in the Snow ............ Boyd Go Down to Kew.............. Wendt Glée Club Promn the String Trio in B fiat, Benediction ......... Tschaikowsky BY a Lonely Forest Pathway.-Griffes MYself When Young......... Lehmamni Old Mother Hubbard ........ Huthinson John Sergey Down by the Sally Gardens .......... My ýÉ» .. , »*,, ......arr. Dornovan yJonny Was a 'Siemake..... ............arr. TayLor r's "L Mer" j Frei's fat] s on a Theme in» ber hoi its eMror *....maiil an1A.w55aVA&s. *who had been a visitor WImEITE Lwz regrets bo. . iný