----- ----- ---- e, program cnairman, WiUl pre- choir have been made. Eleven of the sent as .guest artists, Estrid Buck, recordings were played over sta- mezzo contralto, and her accomn- tion WENR, NBC, network, on the panist, Cordelia Schellinger Pardee. Conicert Miniatures prograni, Mon- Ms uki elkont h v anston Friends and other North daY, JafluaY 1 Shore-audiences and. sheis.alw»ays Local mfembers of the choir. are,: enthusiastically rçceived. Theý Cli. Katherine Falley and Lurena Whid- cago Tribune :music critic says of den ýof Evanston; Mary Hanchette her 'Estrid Buck's voice is uncom- of Aurora,. and, Eleanor Zeiss of monly pleasant, smooth, and agree- Winnetka. 1 able throughout its range-She.àsings Members of the.Glee club for this songs well, flot only ,because her. area are Edith Farwell1 and- Grace voie mis cal utbcue h ae Shumway of Lake Forest, Jose.. thi muia and. projects themn hieWallace and Anita Straub of, wit 'h meaintg." Winnetka, and, Norma Faring of Ev- ý Mrs. Pardee is a graduate -of The anstonAmerican conservatory and-a pupil of Allen Spearer. She hsappeared The albums may be obtained frombereteEasnWmnscu, Miss Harriet Street of Winnetka and EgwtrDaacuEaso Mrs. John K. Karstromn of Evans- Music Club and other simila r groups. ton, Mrs. Gordon McKeldin of Ké'n- Followinig the program, tea .will ilwortfi, Miss--Mary, Swissler of. Riv- b evdadMs ule' s er Frest and fro ChiagoMrs sistant hostesses will be Mrs. Bur- Peter Brandsness, Mrs. William H. ton P. Gale, Mrs. A. C. Sargent, Bush. Mrs. Lawrence Y. CrupadMs.WW.Shdo. ~~~Miss~~~~ MideUeÉ1 M.~M ~ eservatîons mày ie' madie by Leopard, Mrs. Edward D. McDoug- I aîn r.Olad ol,13 al. Jr., Mrs. Eugene S. Talbot. Jr., Mapie avenue, Evanston; Mrs. C. Mrs. Errett Van Nice, and Mrs. Ar-, W. Speyer 7310 N. Paulina avenue, thur~~ D.Weti cag~o. and Mrs. N. Rindskopf,_ Dr. Henry Noble MacCracken. 12744 Blackhawk road, Wilmette. president of Vassar college, lias just The proceeds help to maintain the 'stated that the total of gifts to Vas- scholarship fund for the boys at the sar's Seventy - F'ifth Anniversary Chicago Junior school in Elgin. fund was $809,400. IThe board recently appointed Mrs. * Among recent contributions to this, Henry Paulson of Evanston, vice- fund are a gift of $180,000 from Paul jpresident and housing and hospi- Mellon and~ his wife. Mary Con- tality chairman, to f111 the vacancy k. For 65 yeawa, at .nly one finie during ea.L yeaw, have comnparabile reulue. tiens been offeccci by UHLEMANN, . . . . . . ....AY, aru . .. St S*.*J Sdholarship endowment is one of' the two purposes for whicb thîs An- niversary fund is being raised, the other being the general educational endowm-ent o! the college, including inct'eased funds for faculty salaries, research,, and the library. Motof the gifts.received to date are in the "special gift" class. The general campaign to be carried on by alumnae throughout the country began Januar y 1. More..than 65 dis- trict fund raising committees have been set up throughout the country. r Organize Group Mrs. Beatrice H. Arcus, 726 Wash- ington avenue, returned Monday from a trip to Decatur, 111l., where she was called tô assist wiith the orý- ganization of a new group of the Daugliters of Union Veterans. A.c. companying1 her were Miss Eleanor Meyer, Mrs. Glennola Sili, and Mrs. IJII LEMANN.