ings nave beeuawtreKaunzeu. A survey' of recent books will be given by Miss Mildred Madelirie Moore. of Chandler's book store, Evanston. -Miss MÔoore* Willernpha- size particularly "Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck and "The Year- :lin," by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings. a Theta alumna of the University of 'Wisconsinl. Teprogram bhas been arranged by Mrs. William JI Lavery. Hostesses:fèr the day will be Mrs. Leslie A. Wood, president;. Mrs. Bur- nette Purceli, lunicheon chairman: Mrs. Norman F. Rehm,,Mrs. C. R Walter, Mrs. Paul, MacDonald, Mrq. Lawrence Holmes,, Mrs. ýLawrehce Roth, Mrs-. Albert'R. Cobb. and iVrs. J. R. Scatterday. Annuel Dessert Brdge The annual dessert bridge, party of - the Delta Upsilon Mothers club- of Northwestern' universitywill b. held at, the chapter bouse on the campus at 2 o'clock Friday, Janu- ary 12. Tickets may*.be obtained from the president, Mrs. Charles 0. Goodwin,*o Mrs. Ernest-W. Beaton, secretary,, both of Wilmette. Ifaliaft Club Hostess The Circolo Italiano will meet at 4:30 o'clock Sunday.afternoon at the borne- of Mrs. .Nunzio RuSso,: 2022 Bàeechwood- avenue, Wilmette, to hear an illustrated tallc on *Padua in Art and History" by Mrs. Antoi- nette Rodighero, a teacher o! Italian in Chica go.J OnCIemingo 'nd Pressing Vogue ,èClean ers, 747 El. St. *40 GeSy Rd. ýWi.m.fka 3360- Wi...I* 3301 Gec.1900