In CivicAffairs A plea to wornen to take a more active part in ci vie aff airs and po- litical activities and to affihiate with a political 'Party was made by Mrs.;I Bernice T. Van der .Vries, at the. January >meeting of -the -Northridge Woman's club.held MWonday.eveningý at the home of Mrs. *Comfôrt Com- pere, 2041 Thornwood avenue. Mrs. Van der Vries, who is a, rep- resentative to the Illino is législature, eniumerated ways in which the state governmerit affects the home. Speak- ing of the state sales. tax, which has been.bana to the state, trea- sury, according to Mrs. Van. der Vries, the speaker said that $814000,- 000 had corne into the treasury from the sales tax which was more than sufficient to pay for the old age pensions and relief. !Jrging the women, to zuake it a point to see and hear the candidates for office, Mrs. Van der Vries point- ed out the startling fact that only 27 per cent of the voters of New Trier township voted in the biennial eélection for judges last spring. Following the program, a business session was conducted by Mrs. Wil- liam Heise, president. Co-hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. Matthew Lillig and Mrs. George Scherzer. bership was inviteci to see how, the- executive board operates,. Mrs. Hienry Brandt, the president, was: away serving on. the Federal Grand Jury, and Mrs. Ross Moyer presided for ber. ,The agenda was, very full, but tbe presentation of the relief problemn in. Illinois was %very ably pýresented by Mrs.. Mitchell Dawson, ch airman .of the Cook County department of gov- ernment and economiec welfare.. Plans for the meeting with the Wlmette Cii league were, an- nouintc.It il be a joint dinner at the Sbawnee Country club on Jan- uary 26. "Socialized' Medicine" wihl. be the subject for: tbe. evening. Symphony Benefit The Woman's Symphony orchestra bas a steadily'growing list of friends in Wilmette and this, week tbey are gathering>forces to assist in the sec- ond annual "«Spring Notes" Fashion show and tea to be held on January 23,. at Marshall Field and company as a benefit for the orchestra. Mrs.. Albert H-. Ullrich of 925- Lake avenue bas been appointed Wilmette, chair- ýmanof ticket sales and she and ber committee now have in, their hands some of the best tables for the affair,, so, that those who contact them early will. be assured ýof ring-side seats. 1Mrs. James G., Shakman' of 35 Linden avenue, is president of the Woman's Symphony board and le, of course, aîding in every way, %vbile Mrs. Charles W. Wr'1gley of 10 Can- terbury court, is acting as co-chair- man of tbe benefit with Mrs. Wil- liam H. Stanley of Chica go. Other members of the Wilmette committee include Mrs. Burt J. Den-' man of 21 Linden avenue, Mrs. Joseph A. V. Turck of 522 Lînden avenue, Mrs. Gustave C. Terzakes of 402 Maple avenue, and Mrs. Nicho- las Gianoulis. More than five bundred tickets