Each member is asked to bring a piece of old glass or silver to the meeting and tell its history. Mrs.. Gair. Tourtelot, Sr., is president of the EVanston colony and the meet- ing is being held'at the home of her son so that tbose present xnay have an opportunity to see the. large col- lection of Lowestoft and Staffordshire china which has been in the. posses- Sion of the Tourtelot family for ,gen-1 erntions. Belonging to t h le seniçr Mrs. Tourtelot it is now kepit at her son's. bomne. The Lowestoft, which in-1 cludes some thirty-six or thi rty-sev-1 en pieces, originally belonged to her1 husband's grandmnother. The very fine collection of Staffordshire, about a- hundred and fifty years old, was mnade i England and was hand delco- rated. This set of china is almost cornplete, and belongs to the perîod between 1750 and 1800. Very unusual and of special interest are the red and blue coloring. Inroduce Son's Fiancée to Friends Mr. and Mrs. Herbent R. Hedman of 115 Fuller lane, Winnetka, went to Manitowoc, Wis., last week-end to attend a tea given by Mr. and Mns. Charles W. Heyda to introduce their fu ture.daughter-in-law, Miss Cather- ne'lHedman, to their friends. Miss Hedman, who has been teach- ing in Manitowoc, le expected home this week-end to prepare for her wediding tn Charles W. Hevda. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Areh O. Wilcoec of Evanston, announce the en- gagement of th e ir daugphter, Elizabeth Corinne, to, C. Victor Hanson, Jr.', son of M r. and Mrs. Carl Victor Ilanson of 1416 Edge7- wood laite, Hubbarcl Woods. The wedding 'will take place, i the spring. Miss Wilcox j» a gradu- ate of Ev anston H igh school and Mr. Hanson was graduated front Northwestern. university where he was a member of Sigma Chi ,Mrs. Van der Vries Has Busy Speaking Schedule This week and nect will find Mrs. Bernice T. Van der Vries of Win- netka, representative -to the Illin±ois Legisiature from the Seventh Sena- tonial district, tllling numerous speaking engagemen~ts. Her program started Tuesday [nlght when she addressed a Re- publican meeting called by former Senator Charles S. Deneen in the Roosevelt room of the Morrison ho- tel in ýChicago. Wednesday afternoon she gave a non-political talk on "Government Is Your Business, at the Beverly His Woman's club. That night she spoke at the Proviso Townshýp Re- publican club ini Maywood., Friday evening of this week Mrs. Van der Vries is scheduled to talk at the Townships lRepublican club Stop in and seethe first really new reducmg - exercngmachine de- velopped iii reoeutýyears., Gives you hoeback ridîing, bicycle riding, rowmng etc., without effort. SCIENTIFIC HEALTHFUL GUARANTEED. No dppiug JANUS METHOD. 0F REDtCING LiLffl ux~NLsoN 1811 Cenfrchl St., Evemst@u our free parking Ring with elasticized faille The strikincv of combina-ý * shown jin Voguie, Harper's Bazoar and Mademoiselle *. The wedchng wiil be servied in February. ed for Infant EDGAR A. STEVENSi mc.ý Evansion, and ±urs. dale aver wüll take v -