en' l'S~ubs will be iieinon Weanes- day, January 17, at the Woman's Club of Wilmette., Following a nine thirty board meeting the regular meeting will open at 10 with greet- ings: by Mrs. George B, Wifliams, president of the, Woman's Club of Wilmette. 'A. response will be given by Ms.ae M asie, Tenth District president. After the regular business and élection. of the nominating, commit-- tee, the chairmagn of public. health for the district, Mrs. Paul MacGuf- fin, will1 présent Dr. John A.. Wolfer,. chairman of:the Illinois Cancer Con- trol committee, whose. subject will. be "Cancer Researceh." Mrs. Arthur Washo, chairman of the Arnerican citizenship départ- ment, will thten present Paul G. Arm- strong, past department commander of the American Legion,. who will speak on "Let lUs Keep American." A question box. and roll caîl will follow and adjournment for luncheons wilt be at l2ý3G. The afternoon session will convene again at 1:30 o'clock, at which time the music chairman, Mrs. Paul La- Rose, will introduce Dorothy Algie Black, soloist and monologuist. TIhe accompanist will be Cordelia Schel- linger Pardee. The program chosen ...o entertain the assemblage is: "A Man in the Making ........ Bower "Carmena Waltz- ............. Wilson "The Moon Drops Low"...... Cadman "Wium" ................. .......iurnc err .- 'unlversity, Parker Wfleatiey, who will- telli'us about "Recent Trends- in Radio." Reservations for luncheon are to be received by.,Mrs. Virgil Wgscott, S26 Eighth streeti Wilmette, beore, January, 15, Civics Meetig for, Gay New Prrinits color to your, midseaso n' wardrobe Leit: spring Caroline I. Converse, charity seals and William 1. Jones, .special hos- pital visitation committee. Mrs. Gertrudfe M. Morgan wilI be mnistress of ceremonies. - M. W. J. LORDS FOUNTAIN SQUARE EVANSTON 'w