J -4 Mr. and-Mrs. William F. Horst- ing,11 Lakce avenue, announced the engagement of'their daugh- ter, Jane, to Charles.'Palm er, son of.,Mr. -and Mrs. Frank D. Palmeèr, 714 Central., avenue, at a tea at the Horstinq home',a week ago Saturday. Shawnete iauguraf.s Movie Traveogues Arrangements have been com- pleted by the entertainment commit- tee of the Shawnee Country club to inaugurate a series of movie travel- ogue prograrns tonight. (TbursdaY). for members and their families. The travel films, most of which are ini natural color, will be presented every Thursdavr evening following the weekly buffet supper. Tonight's films are designed to give the Shawnee audience an hour of release from thoughts of. winter snow and ice by transporting them. on an armchair voyage to famed vacationland locales. The first fea- ture, "Gallatin Gateway Honey- moon," illustrates the superb scenic wonders of Yellowstone National Park in color. Also to be presented tonight will be a new natural color motion picture of South America. Future programs in the series will include the s u m m e r and winter sports at Arnerica's newest play- ground. Sun .Vailey.Tdaho, a screen- Januar.y Sale of and Accessories STOCKINETTE SHEETS lOxiS 29ge 1 8*27 39e 27x36 8 9c Wonderful quality, super fineià. extra. soft sheetî macde of themot s*pe Ioln fibered cotion. You'II finci they wasli up even softerl Flash color only. KLEINERT WAFFLE RUSIER PADS Very practicfil. and comfy at the sarne time. 18 39e 1 8x27 59e 27x36 89e SA:Y" ZINGS. Reg.2.95 et 2.69 Adorably, soft and cuddly and bound in rayon satin. Separate hood ta match. In pink or blue. TODDLER DRESSES. Reg. 1.95 Mt 1.19 Sweet, in gay cotton prints or sheer pastels of peach or blue. A marvelous opp.ortunity for you to stock up on clothes for your child, of kindergarten age., Suzes 3 ta 6. TQDDLER DRESSES 99C Beautiful hadmode dresses for the toddler age. In. sheers and broadcloths of 'pastel colors. With and wittiout collars. CREEPER$ " Baby boy henimade creepers i white and pastel colors. 6 monthe; to 2 years. CANNON KNIT GOWNS and KIMONOS 49e Practical gowns and kimonos in white only.< Reqular 65c. KNIT SHOES 39e Adorable knit shoes, to keep your infant; toes warm. ln white,, Pink,: or btue. éb INFANTS' DRESSES. Reg. 1.95 values et 99e Exquisitely hand *mbroidered dresses for your wee babe. Dainty ini white, some witb year at 21 1307 k:>