At High School The~ Index of Amnerican Design of the Work Projects Administration will hold an exhibition of early American art January 12 to 26 in -the main hall of New Trier Hlighj school, the art department -sponsoring the exhibit, under the direction o! Miss Catherine Murphy,,head o! the de- partment.: The purpose o! the Index bas been to record falthfully and with. skill the many styles, types and regional aspects ýo! American useful and dec- orative arts and crafts. Seven thou- sand- renderings in ail have, been miade, covering a period from the settlernent of thé country. to the end of the> nineteenth century. $cant Encouragement Sergei Rachmaninolf, noted Rus- sian composer-pianlst, wil be heard at the Auditorium theatre Sunday afternoon, January 14, at 3:30 o'clock. Thé, recital, which. wili be Mr. Rachnaninoff's only- Chicago ap- pearance o! the season, will- be un- der the auspices of the University college o! Northwestern u niversity, as a Mature of the "History and Enjoyment o! Music" series. Familiar to music loyvers. in thisý country since, hisAmerican debut in 1909, the name o! Rachmnaninoff has long occupied a position in the very top rank o! artistsi, not ùnly by vir- tue of bis brilliant piano playing, but as a resuit 'of bis universally' known and loved compositioins and bis mnasterful conýducting.' A lecture by Feix, Borowski, vio- linist, pianist, comiposer and con- ductor, will be' given at the Wil- mette Woman's club at 2:30 o'clocék Tuesday, January. 16t, under the sponsorship of the North' Shore Mu- sicians club. Entitled, "The Influ- ence of Women in Music,'. it: will be open toD the public for a small ad-. mission ,charge. Felix. Borowski needs no introduc- ion te North Shore- music patrons. Critic' and teacher as* well as Mu- sician, ble has resided iW Chicago since 1897.. For many yea rs presi-. dent, of the Chicago Musical coilege, he later becamne a professor at Northwestern university in, the de- partment of musicology. Noted: as Composer The composer of three symnphoniles and mnany other works, he bas also, since 1908, been editor of the symn- en 1 or is mI~ u.~J Work will be received at the Art .e study of the Iiistîtute between Wednesday, Feb- ýg ail possible ruary 14, and Wednesday, February tInstitute de- 21. The Jury will, meet for three ig artists will days from February,27 to Thursday, painting and Fýebruary,29.