eager.to taire part in.the one act plays sponsored 'by .this organiza- tion. Since there were only 14- parts available inithe plays which are now in rehearsal, it was a difficult task to select those,persons best.qual- ified. for the parts. However, there will' be other plays exsemester. cast from thosé who did flot get a part in thisý first group of sopho- more plays, it was explained. Three. plays will be presented on Thursday afternoon, January.. 25, the first twb by sophomores, and the third by 'juniors and seniors. The cast for "Three Pis 'in a Bottie," a fantasy by Rachel Field, includes Bob Drucker -as Tony Sims, S *u e Casseli as the Widow Sims, Jack Scarf as a .Middlle-Aged Gentleman, Walter Boyle as the Gentleman~s Soul, Frank Salomon as the Scissors Grintier, Bil.l Carey as teSc4ssors drinder's Soul, Rene Small as a Scrub Woman, and Dorothy Larson as the Scrub Woman's Soul. "The Fatal Quest'I Acting In "The Fatal Quest," a piayful melodrama, are Don An- ders-on, the King; Katherine T i d e- man, the Queen; Jerry Bovbjerg, the Princess; Art Bryson, the Duke; Hope Harshaw, the Curtain; _and Nancy Dunn, the Scene Shifter.. T he play revolves about f o u r women from different social envir-. onments, Mrs. William Fisher, the domineering, elderly woman, play- ed by Joan Engelhardt; Mvrs. Rose Arbuthnot, the woeful autlior's..wife,, played by Vera Ruth Lenney; Mrs. Lotty Wilkins, the enthuüsiastic or- ganizer played 'by Beth Ranstead; and Ladyý Caroline,* Dester,, the charming young, lady. played 'by Dale Wetterer. These women, though unknown to one another,. are. drawn, togetherby an advertisement, in a newspaper stating that an Italian castie is for rent for the month of April. 'They rent the castle, thinking- that it ýwill be a safe retreat fromn men for 30 days. The appearance of Ferdinand Arundel (Fred Gordon) and 'Mr. Briggs (Russell Locke) complicates the women's plans for a peaceful vacation. The two Italian servants are played by AmÏelio Fragassi 'and~ Esther Alonzi. Student Forum Aids.- Pro blem of, Contacts Jla tL rnm eîti J arn.4 Plant: Skokie Boulevard DAIRY, & ýClavey Road, Highland Park IUGHLAND PARK( 3500 Né TOU - phone ENTERPIUSE& 2243