Mrs. Alfred S. Alschuler, chairnan of the local carnpaign, prèsided. Vice-Chairmfefl are Mrs. Arthur M. 1 anston..a member aof te est AIDioR 5. Tolof Photo Mrs. Milton Krensky ieier f Highland Park -and G-lence-Mrs.Abel Davis Winnt"ka-Mr. Morton D3. Cahni Wilmette-Mrs. William Berger Evanston-Ml's. Max Kanh and Mrs. 1. IL Braun. Each chairman. is being assisted by a group of workers who will en- deavor ta bring in substantial dona- tions. Approxirnately 150 womnen have volunteered their services. Depict Tragic Conditions 4J11 ENSINEEIIS BMMIII01M9 Think of itl Men who know a mrat car when they sec it not only praise Dadge, but buy it for their own use in preference to other cars!l SAnd remnember, I)odge engineering casts nothing extra! It lu part and parcel of taday's new Dodge, with its smart new lines, its gorgeous interiors, its hast of new ideas. Sec your Dodge d aler . today 1 *October, 1938, through Septemiber, . 1939. Latent figures.vaila be.. Tu.. in M4«BeC .S.etwols,1I.w"ma9sto10 P. M.. L &T. Fumd, is, functiofling li these str areaS, 'as are the Aüerican 1726 Ehu Street Winuu.ka 184