men, Tweive were graauate stu- dents, two seniors, and two juniors. This was the first group of students to become members of Sigma Delta Chi under the school's new five-year plani, which, went into effect, this year. Under this plan, journalism students are to spend their first three years i, an undergraduate school and. their senior andgradu ate years in the professional sehool. A graduate now receives the degree of master of science ini journalism. The. new members of Sigma Delta Chi were chosen on: the basis of scholarship, personality, and profes-_ sional ability., Most of them have, had newspaper or other journalistie experience. Mr. Goodw in, who is a former stu- dent of New Trier ligh school .i now a junior i the college of liber- al arts stud ying to be 'a journalist. Among his activities àt mÔihwest- ern university participation i the Daily Northwestern, the Medill Press club, and Greek Week are the most important. He is a mnember of the Delta Upsilon fraternity. 10. Connecting service. tom Curtissr- Reynolds airport at Glenview,, Qnly a few miles drive.trom any point on the North Shore, leaves there at.8:30 AKM. eachday when desired, con- necting with the new non-stop .which rmaches New York at 1: 59 P.M. (est). Thus a North Shore, resîdent ,can have breakfast at, home and be iii the moment you step aboard, the de lua* GIOLDENu BIATE LIMITID or- the.onom y-lui.- ury C&LWOIMMAN -Rock Isiand'sfâne daily trains froin. Chicaàgo. 'Youfl enJoy the frlendly sevice, the excel-, lent cuisine, and the ve ry air of Igood feilo*ship.ý n-.. ~f ~ pD~f. L H. MeCORMICK, Assistent Gona rasmeujor Agent* Rok Island Limws, 179 W. Jacksonm Bh'd, Chieeio, III. Phonse WÀDumk 3200 Plese s.nd literature end travel infooemton ifS A oeà-lEàff0rlf¶ü 49pU»CUiust1ImUi l stata148