for Presiden lu1940? No-body ean vote, at the prmry in April or the election in Novmbe, 140,unlssproperly registýered.I yuhaveheretofore registered under. the permanent registration law yo9u'are always here- after eligible to vote unless you have ni.ovedl. But there are many persons in New Trier who have not regwistered and who will find themiselves dis- franehised when election day cornes around., You can register now at the Vilage Clerk's, office, Affer January 16, 1940, you can register only at the County Clerk's Office i Chicag, which will necessitate much time and effort. Every niaii and woman i n- New Trier Township.- without regard. 10 party affiliation or political beliefs, owes il 10 himself or herseIif and to the country to cast a vote iu 1940. New Trier should be outstanding -arnong alcmuiis Won't each and every onewhradthstae me ntmakeithlis orhler duty toregister,)-unlessàalready eitred, end to makce certain that others are registered. Remind your neiglibor and f riend of this and help 10 make our forrn of government work.