Under the direction of Martin Mag- ner, for 20 years actor and director of the European stage ini Hamburg, Hanover, Nuremburg,. Breaslau, Vienna,' and Prague, the repertory group has been 'in, rehearsal for the past tbree weeks. Mr. Magner,> who wili ,be permanent. director of the Guild, intends to . develop the nuc- leus of a complete: artistic unit with thebest talent available on the North Shore. neading the present group, of 16 is Hope Sumnmers, who has worked, so conscientiously for over a year to, develop the Guild, theater. Miss Sum- mers is widely known from coast to coast in dramnatie'recital and play interpretation work. ger experience i littie theater work. has touc hed every phase of the profession. Enters Itdi. Wsrk Last June Miss Summers entered th1e ftlid of radhy and sinee then asa had phenomenal success. Another well-known Evanstonian is Marguerite Stokes, formerly of Northwestern school of speech. Miss Stokes first won populakity i com- edy performances. Later she be- carne outstanding i character and dramatie roles. Miss Stokes' back- grounid of sumnmer professional stock is wide and varied. Another extremnely interesting and w la *Permanment Memnbee Don Brockell, young, commercial artist, is a permanent member of the guild. Prevlous to this associ- .ation, Mr. BrQVlell was active m radio and television w'ork as w'eU as a member of the Winnetka Drama club. From Chicago to join the group came Mary de Tarnowski and Edith 'A voyage, to Java as ship's flunkey. on a Dutch merchant- man was the ftrst-experience in the work5zday world f0? John M. Kuypers, present director of the .Hamline university a cappella choir appearitg here on Febru- ary 12., At the age of 13 Mr. Kuypers graduated from high scbool in Rot- terdam, Holland and made a choice of adventure as a sailor in prefer- ence to fame as a musician. He served for three months on a com- mercial boat plying ini and around Holland and then sailed as à saior's flunkey on the "Taberman" boundà, for Java. Though he was eager to Sunday Evening. Speae A, discussion: of present :day af- fairs from the, religious viewpdint will be given by Dr.' Albert 'G. But- zer, young peace advocate from Buf- falo. at. the Chicago Sunday' Evening club next Sunday night, when be speaks on "tThunder-or an Angel SpeakhTg.'" President Clifford W. Barries will present bim for bis sec- ond appearance before this audi- ence. Pastor of the Westminster church of Buffalo, president of the Buffalo Peace council, World war, hero, Dr. Butzer bas made a move- ment for world betterment. Hie is. one of the youngest men to appear on tbe Sunday Evening club plat- form. The choir of. 125, under the direc-