Auxliary Membershilps in th e Presby- terian Homne ùay,,be had. during Jan-, uary from Mrs. R. Wallace Young, 922 Ashlan.d avenue. This week Saturday evening, January 13, the Tuxis club will ýhave a skating party. The group will meet at the church at 7:30- o'clock. * Our îiext church dinner will be held îj Thursday evening, January 25, under the. *auspices of the Wornan's society, This church wiIl have a special service Swdy aftrnonu Febuairy 18. at wJich those who have reached voting age -wiII 1 be inducted into citizenship in an im- I pressive. service. Fuller announcements! il be made later. Winnetka Bible Church Mevn886 Elmi street MevnM. Seguine. niinister Winn. 3039, Phone SUNDAY, JANUARY 14. 9:45 a. mi.- Bible school. classes for. ail. 11 a. m.,,- Mornxng Worshlp. Johnson Photo Kai, Crowôley. (ab ove),. a stu- dent at Barat collège, Lake For- est, is a, netvcomer to North Shore, drama.- She takes the role. .f ýAme in the duction- of the Tower plaiers, "Mr. Pim Passes By," by A. A. Milne, to be given on Wednesdaij evening, January1 31, at the Sa- cred 4e art s clool a uditoriumi, Hubbard Woods. Miss Crowley, mnakes her -hoam-ith her uncle and aunt; Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Williams-, 250 Franklin road, Glencoe. SSea SeoutsI *by 01EORGE RECTOR Today's menu is quite a substantial one, you wifl notice. That is because, unless the weather man isln a, Prank- iàhmood, thethermomrjeter is on the drop, and durlng cold ýweather 1 arii a firm believer in stoking the inner man ýalong. with ý the family furnace. TÉhere la no point ta wrapping warm clothes around us unless at the same time we wrap ourselves around plenty of warm, stay-by-yOU' food such as Wlson'Tender' Made Ramn and other good things to eat that I have, planned for today. :a RMADE 4 K, ROLLED BIIE E F IDELUXE POTATORS Creaied dried beef is an old stan~d- SPROUTS by in most households. I have three> ,ocAo SALUz suggestions for improving the- tÉa- IR BREAD ditional article. First, use only ed CeamWilson'a Certified Dried Beef-it's ~d CI651fltender, delicately fiavored and ready ýAGE ta use. Next, be sure you use a rich _________crearn saue-not' just a flour and milk miAxture. Blend it well and usne 119 '>~~~plenty of butter. Finally, before put- [ce i balcing dih, cover oat, oven (3s0<'anfo m~odeateover d3W) anr EL III -- MEN~ WILSON'S TENI HAM STEAR FRENcHI FiEx BRUSSELSS GRAPEFRuiT-Avc HoT GiNGIm with Whippe BEVERJ WILSON s