tect and W. C. Huggins the builder.-- - The 1939 real estate assessments Arthur H. Hawkinson was is- for ten country townships were an- sued a Permit to construct the other it eeiefr nounced this week by Assessor John house at 1217 Dartmvouth street. It S. Clark following delivery of the. will be of brick-veneer on frame.K " La *. assessment b o o k s to the county WIII cost .$6,000, and will have six Kellliu a J. ite clerl<, December 30. The assess- rooms. G. E. Wolff is the architect mentsý in these towns total $96,562,- d r. Kelling and Odhb are the owners ! and Peter McDonald the builder. an1biles4f, sve-oà bic- $7,53È,424 increase over the veneer residence and attached. gar- 1oignl sesmnt heen o Viff Giv rioadcaýt. age to be erected at 412 Kelling lane. 1 ir:rsaseset a n Glencoe. at a cost of! $10.000. ac- rasdb $,0,0oer 98 onHome Remodeli 9,g Cordingto a permitissued last week. Tesiuu !nwcntuto James C. Schnur, 1017> Forest ave- enhanced land. values besides'bring- L.Morgan.. Yost, architect,: John nue, Glencoe. is thé archîteet.innebulngtoherlas- H. Davies, general conitractor, and! Other Glencoe permits Iast week* sor.Clark asserts. Mrs. John B., Boddie,, al 0f Wil- were issued tÎo Lester B. Shafton. to The assessments. comfpared to the mette, will give'the second ini a se- erect a frame privat aaea 5 95ad13 autosi the ten ries .o radio, broadcasts on "Re- Lake street at a cosýt of .9500. to towns. are' as' follows*: modelinâg QldiHomes"à, over Station John. A. Ricker. to build a two-car Assessor's Values WAAF SaturdaY môrning. Januaryf frame ýgarage at 951 Vernon avenue Township 1939 1938 1935 6, at 10:30 'o'cbock. at a eost of $150: t'Mr ad 45ring- R . ine, o ontuc aon- ton . .$-21416,087 $ 2,215,290 S 2,093,4871 M offresss Remodecar frame garaea 5 rv tetine 3,256,458' 3,040,349 3,116,044 I#, *8 . . $ 95 tacstf S00 anto}orer . ng .5,201,498 4,303,148 4,222,136 Low s . ... 393 !Grer. 07 Okdae avnue tore- North-« Y", ow rice onAff ew ffrqýe*model a residence at a cost of $160 lfield.. 5.806,113 4.545,469 4.363,004 V.uy .. Pre. o Ai Nw f4.s~p ______Mil Nes, .. 15875576 14.495,10 14,496,090 -.Han- *rouchs >uumber Shop S, over.. 1.,33,909 1.376,596 1,373,916 1506 Sbemen Ave. Uni. 2820 !15 -Homes S arted Schauni- ____________________________burg. . 963,779 939.892 926,569 * Elk Ilwu.av ~Grove 2.290,347 1,997,888 1.932,475 During Dec5 embq~ft<er Maine.. 14,420,486 12,818,886 12,714,5781t ~ '2~~ ~, ~ Ffteen new reidences ostn Tier.4.9,9v320424.4,5 IilennvI 'decs tng rer. 487214,20424,4,5 IbeLà".~ $162.000 y e r e started in the four Toas -6,6.4 890370$8.8.5 Csntm ~oLoens North Shore villagaes of Wilmette. oas$65214$90370 8.8,5 HaS-tu. 4120 Davis 223 3M RefrIg.mrofor Service W* WSemivî AllM ak.. I U» R .frg rator Auth.ria.d Refal1r*@r Sorvce L9Linden Ave. Wluaetka 2212 . 1IS11laLL4..-N VIL..KJ The Federal Home Loan Bank o Chicago will pay on January 10, a semi-annual dividend equ ai to 'k of 1 per cent on stock held by rnemnber home Iending institutions and the United ýStates -Treasury, A. R. Gard- ner, president announces. This w-jl bring the 1939 total earning rate1 to .1% per cent, since a June 30 div I- idend'.was paid at the, 1 per cent rate. ApproxiMately $94,728 will be dis- tributed, of which $2à,432 will-be paid to savings,. buflding and loan - as- sociaions. in Illinois anti Wisconhsin, and .$71,296 to* the United States treasury. 'This payment- wil. make a total-of $l,591,245'which the govern- ment has earned since it first invest. ed in the capital stock of the Chicago bank. The dividend continues the Chica- go bank's unbroken record of payin g returns on its capital since it began operations, the first dividend at a yearly r'ate of 2 pet cent having been declared in Pecember, 1933. Member savings, building and loan associations now own 24.8,per cent of the capital stock, whereas ýat the time of the.first dividend declar- at-ion they had only 13.3. per 'This period's distribution will' Kenilworth. Winnetka. and Glencoe. The 1935. figures are quadrennial sis that has.been received by in December. according to a compil- valuations, as are those for 1939.. local home lending institutioný ation of building statistics for thatThe law recjuires an entire new val- The First Federal Savings __morith just completed. uation of. real estate every four Loan association of Wilmette The total nuniber o! permits is-. years. The valuations between 1935 affiliate o! the bank. improvements costing $2440 an of.new or changed property, it is $14.000nted De-Home Ownership nd drio e snc~~er DKei- 13 r e2ojmdb ueF ii i Shows adWinnetka tNwýo. Imp esv anS Ten. permits for alteration Jobs Gerda Bonde w-as granted a per- 1 pesv an costing' $25.660 wvere taken out in mit last week by the village o! Win- Community leaders in savin, the four villages. where seven pri- netka to erect a store building at 560 vestments and home ownersl vate. garages were built at a cost o!fOliestnut street. The building, nancing, the federal savings $18.000... which will cost. $15.00. according to boan associations o! Chicago The one new commercial builct- the officiai records. will have stone Cook county made> impressive ing on the north shore is in Win.. anid brick walls. Carl M. Teutsch 18 during 1939, according to an a netka. costing $15.000. ýthe architect and Janrik G. ]Rag- review released.by the Illinois Co* DAY AND NIGHT sawuA Maie hpb.4000 rcent. be the ual ba- ythese s«and is -an ges in- hip f !- sand and gains annual s -Sa v- ,Lcvçlct ..qnnJAAy, dl er Winn F - iia i meajxie period iromn he 'Atwater Kent Audition prize for $5,430,872 to $3159,M. rikrown sinigers ini 19M, he has be- orne o ne O! the Most Popular arice wlll be the third recital on the ames in the field of radio andcof current North Shore Series, which is lusie. . I .. bringing flive world-!amnou artists. to »j~b~'~ igband arkappear. h high school audtoirh. 1 -Mý