After Holida~y Luit Philanthropy Sewingi This Frday, and, All - Day Meeting Wednesday, Ffrst Activity in 1940 The Woman's Club o! Wllrette wiil open its- midyear season with a phil anthr;opy sewmng day at the club- house on Friday, January 5, at.10:30 o'clock.ý Mrs. ýThomnas S. S. Hard- wick is philanthropy chairman. The benieficiary wili be the Infant Wel- fare center located at 1964 N. Hl-. stedStreet in one of Chicago's con- gestedareas. This. center is financi- aiiy supported bythe residents of Wlmette smnce it'is. one, of the Com- .munity Chest beneficiariesm h Woman's club 'gives:one sewing day a year, furnishing 'ail materials,, to the Wilniette center of Infant Wel- fare, and ail womnen of the commun- ity are mnvited to participate i the sewixig. The first ail day club meeting in the new year wiil take place on Wed- nesday, ,anuary 10. The members o! the Wilmette League o! Women Voters wiil be guests o! the Wom- an's Club at that time. The depart- ment o! home and education will have charge of the opening program at 10: 45. Mrs. Edward Meier,, chairman, wili present M. P. Nelson, výocationai expert and member of the faeultv of New Trier High schooi. Thre Neighbors of Kenilworth will enjoy their usuai morning book re- views during January and Feb- ruary. On January 9, at 10:30 o'clock, at the homne.. o! Mrs. Leslie Drew, 239 Essex road, Kenilworth, Mrs. Henry Zander, Jr., past president of th e Neighbors, and weil knri book, analyst, wili. review two books - "Eagles Gather," by Janet Taylor Caldwell, a new book just off the press,, and "Candle inthe Dark," by Erwin Edman., Mýrs. Zander.bas appeared be- fore many outstanding clubs. on the North Shore and hier vivacious, in- teresting, intelligent ,reviews, have won, hier a « large and enthusias- tic group of admirers.. At Club January 8 Ail Women of Communtfy Urged fo Volunteer as W.orkers at Wil- mette Woman's Club