Annual Financial Statement, December 31, 1939 Share Loans........ .......... Temporary loans to shareholders, se- eured by assignnlent of shares, which mayflot exceed 90% 'of the amlount of the shareholder's acrotint. Stock in Federal Honme Loan Bank of Chicago .................. Teresei've bantdttg system makes such long and short terni credit avail- able Io the Association as its busiines requires ini accordance with the proVi- ios of the Federal Ihome. Loan 4ct. 9,791.43 11,ý400.00 Cash.... 6382 Other, Resources..................468-75 Total .............$902,405.87 LIABILITIES Shareholders' Interest ............749 .3 This -represents the savings and invest- -ments, ineluding earnings. credited. to the aceunts of 1,196 sharehiolders who consitute the; Association. Dividends Declared.. . . . Sotmud Protection for your- Savtnigs, and LnveStments, Savlngs and lnvestments ln the Firat Federal Savingsansd Loan Association~ of Wlhette are doubly protected. (1) By sound eal Estate First Mortgage Amortlzed Loans made on cotiservative app raisals oftmodern ûor*Ïh shore homes. (2) Fully lusureti up to $5,000 by the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corp. Your security increases as the loans are repaid in moutluly, iustaliments, with interest. And.. .youi savlngs earu a liberal income for you, too. 3 9~Jis the current rate poid on Savings Two Types of Non.-Assessable Share Accounts You can Itivest semali amounts reguarly-or auy amount when'YOD desre-ani let. the earnngs make your savlngs grow:: for education, home ownership, retirement, or amy other purpose. Or if you prefer, lump suis of $10 or multiples thereof may be invested, wlth earnlugs payable seml-annually by check. AUl share accotants are non-~ assesable .. . and best of ail there ls no markçet fluctua- Reserves and Undivided Profitse . Earnings sel aside for the long terni eafety of the shareholders. Ch. rtered aad.Supervised by the, Uniated Stats Goeernq»eis dl 25