United States, south of our border Unitedi States, have become sym- .th ceebrtio cotinesthrough the bolie of this season, and, decorate the eleraton cntiuesprofusely the bouses everywhere. first week in' January, terminating Cradies, exemplifying the birth of almost a month of continuousfiestas the. Saviour, r arranged& effeéctive- and mer riment., December 12,. the, ly illuminatedl in the. Windows, and Dayý of .Our 'Lady of, Guadalupe, the Christmas Tree (while flot as sacred' to Mexico's. patron Saint, generally used as here at home) is starts the Holiday, Season and finds found- very frequently, lighted and Mexicoalreayigaaatr.Ci- trimmed as we know it. Christmas drenî dressed in the colorfui national Day .itself is. sacrosanct and is -cele- cotuesswrmth sreets, and brated, by religious services,. ex- long pilgrimages wend -their way to change. of g i f t s, and :feasting. hear Mass in the many churches 'rhroughout the day poor chiîdren dedicated to'this Saint. Dances and may ca.a ayhmeadreev merrymaking, tamales and sweets, presents of candies,, oranges and, foilow the. religious services;ý and in toys. Bunuelos,1 chocolate, in-1 the the «open, squares in front of the 'morning; tarnales, rneats* and -cakes churches, ýmatachin performers and. at noon; and sweet tamales, choco- musicians enthrall their onlookers late and bonbons in the evening, from early morning, wîth their form thé traditional Christmas deli- unique entertainnient and dazzling cacies. costumes decorated with mirrors, The entire week between Christ- bright ribbons, 'and fringe. mas and New Year's is çevote'd to. Ini accordance with an ancient cÙs- making amends,' looking up neglec t- tom in Latin countries, a ritual ed friends, paying debts, doing small known as "Las Posadas" is carried eeds of charity, and apologi.zing out during nine evenings beginningfor past omtnissions and unkind- wvith December 15. Small groups of'nesses.- These days are full of social family and friends .go about at dusk cails exchanging 'of gifts, and merry- to seek "a lod.ging for the Christ making.; but aithougli it is the cus- Child." Carrying lighted tapers and! tom to dance out the Old Year and singing an old hymn, they approacli in the New, January First itseIf is a darkened house and to their cry of completely dedicated to the family, "Let us come in" receive the reply and the celebratipn is characterized, fromn within, "ýWho's there?" In an- not by hilarity, but by tender ex- swer they say 'Travelers from afar nressio,, and anfestaiogns oif dAnn M I~"I*BECHO Exclusive location, facing the, Atlantic. Ocean view fromi every1 roomi private beach, bathinig from hotel.1 Complete. fa- ceilities:> Radio in al r oons; mie als in Dinng oo orPaio; unique, Cocktail, Lounge. Two elaborate penthouses for complet. housekeeping. Europeani Plan. Restiricted clientele - friendly homelike atmosphere. No deviation f rom published rates. For booklet and details, write to-: G.S., PlCKAR, Mta#er