Uf SHOFS WAMS-UTTA SUPERCA^LE ',SHEýETS lite fineat made - known for thefr beauîty, .soft.a"-ilk texfure. ,Bleaehed suow wie hywlke hi sofinlessAnapd whiteness through DUBY. launderings. Spciiy pried drg temnho aury: :WamsultaSu perca le, Hemstitched Sheets 72x108 . $3.25 81X1O8. $3.65 Cases: 42x381/2 8 45x381/2 90c UTICA PERCA&LE Suze 81x108 .. $3.35 eu. 42x381/2 Causes...70e ea. Cases...75e e the Prmnceas .3 95 Fitted Bu X-Ray the Laurel Crea tl y Reduce d Moast A&re One of a Kini, 6 O.ly. Regular $19.95 Inuer- $1290 spring Mottresses. ec .......I 8 Only. $22.50 Value. 350 COIN lnnersprlng Maffresses. eu.. 4 Oulyé $22.50 Value, Twin 19 lea. These famous brand are carefuily woveni e... Regul ar values rumps and. Uxfords, Ail purpose sfloes in fl1aCM, wine or brown. Sizes 4 to 9 in widths AAA to C. Not ail sizes in ail styles but a grand @élection'. They Ilook filmy~ as a eobweb - and give your table a lovelv appearance. They are 8trong and dur- a ble andl will wear for years because they are mad of a fine 3,DIy *Suedes! Gabardines.! *S mort styles for 7 OnIy. PuN Sie $34.50 Valu e lnmersprinq Maliresses, eu.. 6 Only. $39.50 Studio Couch . 3 ýOnIy. $49.50 Studio Couch . CASES 42x~36... .. 45x36......... 42x36 ..... .24 45x36 ........... .26 44x381, ..... B2 IXWO . . . ... 11 :30 CAsEs .32 45x36............-.34 rcraft Mattres, $ . 10 emsay -* 5'f1- the Sultan mernu. One or Three LouferlO mONQ.CGRÂMMI.NC sff Wieboldt's Own Imporied Scotch Lace TABLE CLOTHS $1490l $2693