for P*sdent.n190 Nobdy cau.. vote at thepiar uAprilo te lection in November, 1940, un.less.:properly eiseed. If yu have hrtfr registered under the, permanent registrat ion law you, are always hee after eligible to vote, unless yu hav- nve.Btthereae ay persons in New Trier whohv o eitered ndho wilI find themselvesdis *f ranchised whlen election day cornes around. You cani register 110w at the Village Clerk's office. After January 16,« 1940, you can register only at the Cotunty Clerk's Office ini Chicago, *which will necessitate much time and effort. Every maii and womau in New Trier Town-ship, without regard, to Party affiliation or political beliefs, owes it to himself or herseif and to the country to cast a vote in 1940. New Trier should be outstanding among ail conimunities. Won't each and every one who reads this statle- men mae i hs o lir dtyto register, unless already registered', and. to make certain that others are registered. Remind your neighbor andJ f riend of -anid help to inake our forrn of governmwnt work. HENRY AGARDNER Repzsblican Township.<7Coimittema. for New Trier. Township 17 .