%ne ballot were eIiiated by a last- minute compromisae, but a referen- dum to retain the village manager system carried by only a small ma- jority., Three Roman. Catholic parishes conipleted new ,edifIces i the :year; , they were: St. Francis Xavier, Ninth street and Liniden avenue, Wilmnette, the Rev. Martin D. McNamara, pas- tor; St. joseph, Lake, avenue and Ridge road, Wilmette,,, Msgr. J. A. Neumann, pastor; Sts. Faith, Hope, and Charity, Hill. road and Ridge avenue, Winnetka,- the Rev. Thomas J. Burke, pastor. 9chooI Completed One new school was started in Winnetka and one was finished in Glencoe. The former is -the South- west school at Willow road and Glen- Marilyn Telfer, formerly of Win dalê avenue to repflace, the Horace of Hollywood comedy akaters, waa Mann school at Elm and Chestnut the Winter Carnval held at the Ou streets, which wil! in turn inake way Westwood 'Village, Los Angeles.. for a new post office; and the latter- weg the Centrai tehool, on 'Gr,éyn- Mis§ Télfei ýand hèr brother. (Grant, wood 'avenue between Hazel and chiîdren of Mr. and Mrs. 'Robert M. South avenues. A project to build a Telfer, Jr., were adjudged the niost new primary school to serve the hanclsome and best costumed couple Kýenilworth Gardens section of -Wil- in the carnival by 'Mn Sheridan and mette fell through because federal Helen Parrish, sereen actresses, who aid could flot be obtalned. served as judges. It was voted at the annual New Marilyn and Grant are members Trier Town meeting to inake no tax of the Los Anigeles Figure Skating levy for township purposes foir 1939. club, and attend Hollywood Profes- Aunex No Man's LIW4 sional school every morriing and lTnrpr enline IL7.qntn skate at the Polar.- Palace eve Attendance likewise lias soaredi to new heiglits, being double the record of a year ago. Officials attribute this to a better appreciation of the fact that the circus engages the top tal- ent- fromn the nation's leading tented Every Act a Ileadliner 'Every act is a circus headliner"t? States Josepli G. Rowley, Illustri<>us Potentate of Medinah, Temple, the sponsoring organization.. "Further.. more, therie is no honor quit,-_sÉ high amnong circus folk than to, be chosen for the circuit of Shriiip Win-: ter Circusesthroughout the United. States, of which Chicago's is the first. Net proceeds of the Chicago ............. ...........circus will go to the Shriners' Ilospi- nnetka, ptetured above with a.grou' tal for Crippled Chidren at. 2211 accorded awnqtl honors recently in North Oak Park avenue." utdoor Tropical Gardens ice rink in "Lone Raniger", on Job _________________ Wile it is difficult, if not impos- - sileto single out the outstanding r "S '*a1 a'ct of the circus, Captain Rpmon Lake Vzew M s a Proske and his Bengal tigers; the GruptoStrtYer devils; Lee Powell, the original m-. Grou to tartYear tion picture -Lone Ranger" and biïs compny f wild west buckaroos;, JVit Mon a Co certthe Flying Soîts, trapezists; the Pic- Y chiana troupe of acrobats; the Lo>yal The Lake View Musical society Repenskys' in daring bare-back rid. will start the new year with an eve- ing feats; Rudy Rudynoif and lis ning concert Monday, January 8, at educated. Liberty horses; Roland 8:15 o'clock at the 'Chicago Woman's libler's trained seals and the aerial oyJ AiKaUwotJLU, yilete, and Lake iitaiyA1 LuUtied ballet with ,Nico, opera artist of international fame, noencs a rdo 15 perfor ix' Michigan. Aithougli the right of Wil- Charisse of Hollywood~ duringth[ she lias been with 'the Chicago City phants and other animal actors from mette to exercise authority over the summer, but is now working *ith iOpera company this season and lias the jungles add zest to the program. area was i dispute through litiga- Queenie Smilth formerly of the Metro- appeared tRvna ucsfli tion, Police Chief loyd G. MeGuire, 1 politan Opera who recently arrived both radiot adicnert Successful4i in the closing days of 1939, conduct- in Hollywood and* is, associated with sang for several years in Italy, then 'Bibe ofthe W rd ed a raid of an alleged gambling Maurice Ruben. She also skated attoured' South America, Cuba, Mex-1 Sermon Themea establishment there. the ice carnival for the movie stars ico and Canada. ,metTeml With adverse court decisionspîy at Lake Arrowhead in the moun- Also on the program that night "The Bible of the.W orld, the re- ing hob with. zoning ordinances of tis1nDe9bé 5.M. Tlferanîî a be a durof lhenoitea , 'Pard cently published book which contains the four villages, all of them had ett olwo eene 9t Ga, ime ftescey n the greatest utterances of eight oùt- wide cosideatin mjor hanes.spend the holidays with 'his family. Margaret Smiith. Well known to the ýt nding religion nt~wrAu1 uFdr tonsea ionajow phangesHe will return to Chicago January 7. a olin the worl- -wi- and Mrs. 0. P. ()o avenue, lCenilWorth, sI Y$ wlth the IRollin S. Th at Perrysburg, Oblo. J a Thrn haldicàocamhpus Thurs- I aJaur 1,bssubject being, "IlTe World Corefict.",w 1 ton, larUhlyin D