The regular organizations resume meetings this week, with Girl Scouts on Tuesday evenings and Thursday after- noons. and Boys' choir on Thursday at 4 o' clock. The Girls' choir will have re- heai'sals on Saturdays at 9:30, while the Senior chorus will meet wlth Or. John, Winston Shank at 8 p.m. on Thursdays. The. Churcli school, Howard A.- Berg, superintendent, bégins the winter, quar- ter on Sunday morning. New study cours- es wilI be begun. This is the best'time for new pupils to .register and those flot enrollèd.areurged to start nôw. On Sunday evening *at 6:30 the Young People's society will have a "Fireside Meeting". at the home of David Allison. Ail high school youth interested are wel- corne to these gatherings of fellowship ànddiscussion. Members are remindedto secure, their copies of -The Spectrum," lavishly il- lutated account of thée world-wd c tivities of the Baptist churches. It is re- quested that Womaàn's society links and Sunday school classes cali attention to. these Important facts. The good wishes of the church are ex- teflded to ail the many students who have been with us during the holiday season. ~Ther presence h.s meant much to the, congregation and we miss you when you are away. The Womnan's Mission Union will meet at the Austin Baptist church . Tuesday. January 9. President Weeks of Bacone Indian college will be the chief speaker, and lias a stirring message to give. Wil- mette should be well represented. Deacons are requested to reserve Wed- nesday -evening, January 10, for a very important session to plan our pre-Easter camipaign. -rheJanuary trustees" meeting *wili be held .Monday, January 8, at the CampFire> (Contributed) ,iGIVE SEILVICE" One of the most important Camp Fire laws is "Give Service." The Christmas season fourid ail the girls stressing this law. There are many- ways that service can be given, to those near us and those whom we do not know.., The f irst few meetings were spent decorating srnall wooden boxes, wfth Apeda Photo 'The TîansoËmation of Hu- man Socetyi" will be the subject of five lectures'to- be. given suc- cessive Wednesday evenings- be- ginning January 10, at 536 Sheri- dan road, Wilmette, ýby Hor-ace Holley,' coeditor of ' 'W o r 1 d Order" Magazine, under the aus- pices of the Baha'i community. The aim of the lecture series, Mr. Holley has said, is to trace the ele- ment of social change througli the tribal, racial and national civiliza- tions of the past, in order to grasp the nature of the forces which have disrupted the foundatioris of organ- ized life throughout the world today. The scope of the subject is idi- cated by the topics of the five talks:- "Man in Nature, Man i Civiliza- tion": 4"A World iCorflict"; "Psy- iLogan-Howard} P.eT, A« Mrs. H. G. Van Winkle has called a meeting of the Logan-Howard Par- ent-Teacher association board for PURE CANE SUGAR Ie Gonulaed-Ip clth bag, 10 Ibs.ý 51 C CALIFORNIA YELLOW CLINO HALVES OR SU.CES., Peaches 3 1COINS29C CI h AodconHome. I Crnc.-.i Again 3No::fl. 25c HAZILbu pl*-mlN [PanalceFlo% y u Amnercon Hoe. oint c 5 P ~Pure Cane'& Mapte bli Sle up. J~~-pint bottis 12e ole21 Appte Butter PueHor. ~bI Ntion a Evaporated 141-oz.c milIc Unswet.ned tali con SnTONAL SPAONII flOR Macaroni.a 3p7k11Cs' NTIONAL. SLICED WHITE IRÉAD Jumbo Twist. GUAM#ITf!O 800% WHOLE WHEAT SMAD ' POTATOES. Genuine Idaho Russef...1 Ibs. (CAIBAGE. 3 New Texas---------------------Lb. 3 (SPINACH. 5 fFmncy Texas Fat Le .. Lb. 5 size. ... Large, baud K~as., to complete h after spending the hc larnily. gys', with lier Iatter spendmg the family at 804 Tore ?;~ 7< 'I .of