Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jan 1940, p. 14

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SIJNDAY SERVICES Church school ......... 9:30 a.m. Primary ............ 10: 40 a. m. Iindergarten......... 10:50 a.m. Mornlng Worship ........il1 a.m). Amüici Del ...............5 p.m. Kappa Pi Phi .....1...... 7 p.m. Dr. Hindley wll, begin. a series -of ser- monis' Sunday, which« will, lead our thoughts through the whole Scriptural front. This series' will continue through Easter. "The M&aking of the.Soul" is 'his first topie and. the text Will be taken, ftom the Book of Genesis. The music will be as foillows: Orxan Prelude*: Chorale and Prayer ..........Bôëllnan Quartet: "Seek Hîm That Maketh the Seven Stars" ...... Rogers *Offertoire Solo: "Whithér Shalh L Go from Thy Spirit"...MaéDermid Gunther Deeker Organ Potude: Toccata. Boellma nn CHURCH SCHOOL The new quarter will start Sunday, January. .7., at 9:30 and the n ew mate- riais are ready. Tt is good to start ai the tbeginning of a new quarter so that you get the full quarter's work. AMICI DEI At 5 p.'m. Sunday,. January 7, this1 group wll meet for the first time ,lnu 1940. There are some interestlng plans and ideas to be dlscussed. Seventh and Eighth graders must corne. KAPPA PI PII Hîgh Schoolers the play, "Spring. Fe- ver" is in the air. Other plans have to, be %vorked eut. Be present Sunday iiight. January 7, at 7 o 'clock. Refreshrnents. * CALENDAR OF THE WEEK Friday. January 5 12:30 Central circie j8:00 Abracadabra Saturday, January 6 9:30 Camp Fire Girls Monday, Jaliuary 8 7:30 Trugtees 7:30 Girl Scou~t Troop VI 7:30 Boy Scout Troop 1 Tuesday, January 9 Neighborhood ircle 12:30 Cozy Corner Cftele Crescent Circio 7:,30 Boy Scout Troop II Wednesdfty, January 10 Girl Scout rrrooP VII Thmrsday, January Il 3:30 Girls' choir rehearsal 4:00 Boys' Choir rehearsal 7:15 Senior choir rehearsal Yeaal.,a.. vv. J ALtuflf ana.Fi* Ç4*Zt u the church is urged, to be- in attendance. The special musice *s arraniged by Dean McSloy, director, and Mrs. Sarah M. Ellert, organist, will be as foflows: Organ Preparation:' . 'Cantilene" (Sonata XI).... Rheinberger ':Q Salutaris Hostia",.......... Gounod, " Air" MWater Music Suite> ...Handel Introit: "O God We Pray" ...Arensky Anthem: "Lord,. for Thy Tender,' Mercies' Sake" ., .. ....... Farrant Ofiertory Solo: "Every Valley Shall . Be Exalted-(Messiah)...... Handel Donald Glattly 0rgan Postlude: "TiuphlMarch" .........Heinze' The Church school Will n'eet Sunday rnornl 1ng at 9:30 o'clock. There are classes, for ail ages. from the Nursery to0 the Adult department. The High School EpWorth league wîli î-esume its. regular meetings cf fellow- ship anid devotion 'Sunday evening at 6 o'clock. Ail high schoolers are cordially invited te attend. Theta Upsilon Rho, for college age and beyond, will meet Sunday evenîng 'at 6:15 'clock Mr. Donald Frisbie will show mevies cf his European trip. Dr. Georgia Harkness, one of the out- standing leaders in Methodism' and now professer of practical theology ai Gar- rett Biblical Institute, will be the speaker at the joint meeting of the Womnan's Mis- sionary socîety and the Woman's Guild Thursday, January 11. Every womnan of the church and congregation is cordially, invited. The Wernan's Guild ExecutiVe côrnmittee will meet at 10:30 o'clock and luncheon will be served at moon by the Fifth divisien. The prograru will be held at 1 o'clock. In addition te Dr. Hiarkness' address, the Rev. Erskine M. Jeffords wil' lead the 'devotions, and Mrs. Dean F. McSloy, pur soprano soloist, 'will sing. The Officiai board will meet Monclay evening, January '8, at 8 o'clock in the JUnior room. Ail trustees, stewards, and other members of the Board are urged te be present. The Philanthea clâss.will have its Jan- uary meeting Tuesday evening. January 9. at the home cf Mrs. Carl. Geppert, 2001 Highland avenue. one of tne prayers of Job. We invite JruU to study with us. Junior church, for children of 4parents who attendl the morning. worship service,. wiil be held at Il o'clock. Miss Evelyn Robeck is the new director. The Tuxis club will mneet-Sunday after- noon ati 5:3 o'clock lu the chapel. The topic for discussion wiIl be-; "Living Up toOne.s, Best.",Al'youngpe ople of high sehool age are lnvited. -The Westminster Pe1lowship will meet at 6:30 o'cloclk. Thethenie-for discussion. wirll be, *III the Righi: Always Tri- umiph?" 'Ail college- and post-college young people are invited. The Session wiill meet Monday eve- ning atî 8 o'clock in the church. The Woman's soclety will meet Tues- day. The worship service will. be in' charge of Mrs. Hector Dodds. Miss Leilyn Cox -will- speak, on lier work in the Philip- pines.. Sewing will be in charge of Spoke No. 7. Luncheon, will be served at, 12 o'clock by Spoke _No. 2. Ail the. women are cordially invited. The Girl Scouts will meet at the church Wednesday. afternoon. ýThe Boy Scouts will meet at the church Wednesday evenmng. The. Wednesday Evening Bible Hour.. held ai 8 o'.clock in the chapel, ývill study the Gospel of Matthew, in the course on "Know Your Bible." We invite you to study with us. Auxiliary membersliips in the Presb,%- terian Home may be had in January through Mrs. Wallace Young, 922 Ash- land avenue. St. John's L ut hora n (Missouri $ynod) Wilmette and Park avenues J7. H.' Goekel, pastor SERVICES 9:15 a.m.-First service. 9:30 a.m.-Sunday school and Bible class. il1 a.m.-Second service; installation of church council. 8 p.m.-Question-box service. In the il o'clock service the order of service will include the following: Prelude-"'Fantasia". ...... .......Bach Introit-"I Saw' Also the Lord'.................. schmauck Anthemn--Jesus. Priceless Treasure" ..............-...... Bach Offertory-" Dedication" .......Schumann The Sermon-' Abounding In the Lord's Work.- Corinthians 15:58. Installation of Church Council. Seventh street at Greenleaf doA HOUSE 0F WORSHIP" The Rev. David R. Kabelé, pastor SUND)AY SERVICES Church sehool . .............. 9:45 a.rn. Morninig worship........ 1........il1 a.m. pvening service ...a............. 8 p,.m. The musie for the services next Sunday is as follows: Morniing Service- Prelude-Meditation . . . Cole Anthenm-I Heard the Voice of" Jesus SaY ........... arr. Schnecker. The Senior Choir. Solo.......... ........Selected Postlu4e-In *Thee »Is GIad'ness.Bach Evening Service-ý Prelude-Serenade ............ Gounod Song Without Words........... Thome Evening Star, from "Tannhauser" ............. Wagner Elevation...........Guilmant Antfiem-su*n of*My S 'ul ...Rock-%tell The High School Choir Soo-Gloria......... Buzzi-Peccia Postlude-March in A..... ..Guilmant Victori~a MLeod--Ministry of Music The Woman's society will meet on 'Thursday afternoon of this week at the church ai 2 o'clock. Pastor Kabele xviI be the speaker. The Senior choir' will i-ehcars;e (M Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Junior choir will rehearse on! Satur- day morning ai 10 o'clock. Church school convenes on Sunday iorning at 9:45 o'clock. There are classes for. ail ages. We invite you toe cme and learn with us in our Church school. Attend our services nexi Sunday; the morning service at 11 and the evening service ai 8 o'clock, preceded by a fifteen minute prograin of orgarxrnusie beginning 'ai 7:45 'e'cloek. Our Sunday evening services .will coni- tinue through the month of January. The, pvastor will preach a series of sermons on "Great Prayers of the Bible." Attend,, church at the close of the Sabbath day. The Junior Luther league will meet Sunday evening at 5:30 o'clock. Ail the younlg people of high sehool age are in- v ited to attendI this meeting.* The High Sehool choir will meet on Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock. ..The Senior Luther 'leaffue will rneet -- (Eplacopal) A new class for the instruction of aduits There are clauses for children between lCenilworth avenlue at Warwick road The music, for the morning worship for church membhership wili be organized the ages of kindergartein and high school. Ienilworth service will be as follows:, organ prelude, on Monday, at 8 p.m. In the pastor's study Visitors are welcomue The Rev. Leland H. Danforth, reetor 'Medtatlon" D 'E vr y; processionzi, nt 4-16 Prairie avenue. Those attending- "The Churci's One Founclaton"; anthem. the first meetings are under no obligation The Women's Gui1d wifl meet Monday '<Seek Ye the Lord," Roberts, Walter to continue. Text books are free. morning, .anuary 8, at 10 o'clock. Lunch- First Sunday aiter Epiphany Abele and the choir; solo, -The Lord Is enwl esre t1:0 h oko am.........Hoy omunonMy Light," Speaks, Edward Otis, soloist:, MEETINGS, the Guild l s for the beneflt cf good causes 8 am ............ un 0"vostlude. "Toccaâta," D'Evry. Miss Ernia Ladies' Aid society, todav, 2 p.ni. ln which the womnen cf the commrunitY 9:30 a.............. .Sunday sehol lounds is organlst ,and director. Junior Walthier league, FItday, 800._ are interested. AM. w.omen cf KenflWorthý la.m..sermon and SCrament of the- teachers' trainina qure wlIbe -begun. I not otherwise engaged oen Mondays are ILord's Supper Ail departménts cf thte Sunday sechool Sunlday sêhool saf, riday. 8:00;-a- ewinvited to share ln the work.

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