1115 Centragl Ave.' und 415 Linden Ave. Wi' ette, 2026 Central SIt.E,Evanson Bonner Seediesi FANCY. RAISIN.S 3 pkgs. 19 c Blue Brook Condensed VEGETAItE SOJP- or TOMATO Big 21 -oz. Can 7 / Tropical Brand DI LL PICKLES Jumnbo, Quart Jar O c FOOD PRICES SLASHED t. the bone ... BARGAINS GALORE ... Corne eurly and <jet yorshore. Everyitem guaranteed. Stock uip. THE BUGGEST* COFIEE BARCAIN EVER OFFERED l n:-ordér fo acquait you and your nelgbbors with tii. "de- iciousnesi and ýval u. of« Blue- brook CoffFeà w.are off.ring. you what. we believe is the big- g.stcofe. argin ever mad e. Déicious Biuebrtbok Il !!I LINOc, t 10 Cents a Pound HI! Every pound of Bluebrook Cof- j. I f.. is roaster fresh and full of that wonderf ul aroma andl flavor that kas madleif the favorite of thousands. I THIS BIG OFFER EXPIRESI SATURDAY NIGHT,,,JANUJARY 6 19 VALUABLE COUPON a THIS COUPON ENTITIES THE BEARER * TO ONE POUND 0F THE FAMOtJS ILER O THEiy ARz IoT IN ALL: I STORES TOMATO JUICEý 324-oz. cens18 Mo BItown ASgT. JUESr Junbo,2-l.Jar 1 9c Cherry Valley or Blue Brook. KIEFFERPAR No. 21/2cal,21/½c Blue Vrapi iw