Saturday and Ili s.a seit BRICK I-CE CREANI FULL QUART 35c Lehie Photo 0 This attractive set tng was ac- complushecl ut thte airnual Christ- mas sing at Logan public schooi I Friday of lat toeelc. I Biskhop: Administers Confirmation Rite At St. Augustine's The rite of confirmation was ad- ministered at St. Augustmne's Epîs- copal ýchurch in Wilmette,,on Sun-[ Complete Plans for Repertory Thea fer; Deluf (o Be Jan. *Formation of a new repertory the- ater for Evanston and, the North Shore, to be known as the Guild Theater of Evanston, was announced this week 'by Miss Hope Summers, a leader i littie theater activities of the North, Shore. Behind the announcement is 'more than. a year's Prelimninary prepara-i tion iindr 'the ,directinovf Mîac, iiv 25 cago. Mr. Magner was formerly con- nected with the Kammerspiele, a profession al theater in Vienna, -and. was fowider of several well-knownfi professional, theater groups in Eu- rope. "The good fortune of the group in obtainting Mr. Magner's service.has been the principal circurustance in enabling the formation of the thea- ter at this time," Miss Summers