FRANKFURTER QUAIL A Swift"Premi%àm frankfurter, wit k casing extra tendered in p in.-, appt. luice. enfolding a strip of meIIow cheddar chese-.wtapped with mild, uc acon* A quiclc broiling dellkacy for tMe hurry, jaded appetites end bursted pocketbooks of tii.Hoiday week-end .... .. L forIJC THESE ,ÇUAL11Y.,VALU'ES FOR DECEMSER 28. 29, 30 It4CLUDE OUR USUAL FREE HQURLY DELIVERY RIS ROASI 0F BEEF& #b7t Rbs 27 Ffrst Five R l..b .. ..IL34 TURKEYS ........ lb. 27c CA PONS .1 b. 34 PORK ROAST..... IL.18C SPARERIOS ..... IL 17c SLUCED BACON. .L29c LAMB STEAKS.... IL 37c FRANKFURTER QIJAIL Ask About Theuit 2 for 15c -7-1 CAMPSELL'S CHICKEN soup The puÙbLic ii rnvited to c»ee. the "Creche," repjroduced above, whieh bias been, ereeted Mn the North Trsaept of Uae. WfJmette Mnet hodist chu-trch by MTrS. W. W. Oaburit. This'Creche wfll be removed aI te? 'zext SUndav. Comunity Sn Brilliant> Affair The comm~unity sing staged on the Villagehall lawn last Saturday eve- mont successful iii the history of this Christmas Eve custom, due to the careful and complete arrangements made by the committee in charge, of which James Magill, 1011 Lake avenue, was chairman, and the coniplete cooperation of many vil.- lage groups and individuals. . It was a gala atmosphere into which members of several church Settiement to, B8enefit, From Lincoln Drama Men's Board of N. U. Seule- ment Sella Tickets for Pro- duction January 9 The men's board of the Northwest- ern Universiy Settlement has taken over the entre Grand Opera House for the second night of "Abe Lincoln in flinois,'ý wlith Raymnond Massey 2 r 9c ~Lime sha n. box 23C JUINE PMEASNo2I 'losom Wxro Siffrd-.. L29e TOUATOIS LNo. 2 New Crop H..vy Pack 6I fins 59r, Your Dreakfest Blo. .... I Me Imw,. Pure Frui..2 jars45c PLAKOIN MIX*r. DolicIous Corn Muffins..... box COCKTAIL WAFERi b.33e Iurry's Assorted ......... >x SALTES NUTS 59c K-K Mix. No Paus.. b SHELLEU PICANS i59_ Lrge ýwhoI. Halvas.... .b. The Rev. Chýandler Sterling, cur- ate> of St. . Augustine%.s lpiscQpal church, presided at the organ dur- ing the service of song. A surprise number that delighted the assembled villagers, and which had been kept a close 'secret by the committee, was a solo by William Baihatchet. 725 .Tenth street. well- This settiement is one of the old. est and best ktiown in Chicago and has.performed a great deal of serv- ice ini its neighborhood under the di- rection of Miss Harriet E. Vittum. The play "Abe Lincoln in Illiniois," won the Pulitzer prize and is con- sidered one of the outstanding plays of the last decade. Comniittees. un- der the direction of Donald P. Welles, president of the Northwest- ern University Settiement, are now