extras; snow rooli condition ......$...·5985 1938 FORD 5 Pass. Sedan. Trunk, radio, heat- er, beautiful finish..................$389 1938 FORD DeLuxe Coupe. Radio, many extras ...................-.$425 1937 LINCOLN ZEPHYR 4 Door Sedan. Radio, heater, overdrive............·· $485 MANY OTHER CARS ranging in price from.......................$50 to $995 E I 435-7 Green Bay Road VOUR NORTH SHORE DÉALERS FO - MERCURY 8 LINCOLN ZEPHYR SALES -- JNC. "COLD WAVE TOMORROW" <47 When the Weather Man says: "Cold wave tomorrow," be sure that your coal bin is full TODAYI Your best protection against sudden changes in temperature is an ample supply of Consumers Guaranteed Coal, Coke or Fuel Oil . . . every delivery is unconditionally guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded. TELEPHONE WINNETKA 3386 GS.ENCOE ønsumers <Cmpany OF IL. NOIS C0 AL F U E L OIL - COKE 2738 W. RAILROAD AVE. 2V9 UNIVEItIT 70 RRIAftGATE3838 -f8318 1300 75