childen o Wlmette have tried this Late last spring the Wilmette Christmas ta make other people's P.T.A. Radio commlttee wanted def- lives a little happier by sharing of imite information on the amount and their talents, their prôvfisions, or kind of home radio ifstening done their money. by Wilmette grade schôidl children. In addition to. enroilment and lib- Cneunl usinar a eral sup port of the Junior Red Cross prepared by: the commÎttee,- with'the each of the public sehools has work- advice of Mrs.'Mildred Roberts and ed ut t las on prjet a shr-Miss Viola Theman of. the sehool ed ut t laston prjec ofsha- taff, and was filled oui; by .the chil- ing, according ta their.own interests de naltepbi n aoha andabiitis.schools of, the village. Returns num- Céntral - Stolp Sehool collected bered approximately 1,850;-850 of a money for Arden Shore. (Boys' simple formn used in grades'netwo Home): and- bought a beautiful cab- and three: 1,200 giving fuller i n- inet. model radio so the, children formation froffi pupils in grades four there will now be able to bave a through, eight. very much needed type of entertain- Elgtnu eut men an ericmet o thirlivs. Resuits as tabulated frorn the re- Thaksivlg urkysplies. in 'these questionnaires have At Thanksgiving Ue Central- been very enlightening. Members of Stolp School supplied this sanie the Radio comrnittee feel they now home with turkeys for their dinner. have a definite basis for their work Laurel School, coinposed of pri- jin this, 4istinct1y local data. as, ta. mnary grade children, made a beau- what children are listening to over tiful Christmas mural twenty-four their home radios, the prograrns feet long, for the dining rooni at they prefer and why, matters of Arden Shore. child-owned radios, parental restric- Highcrest School had as their pro- tions upQrl radio listening, advertis- jetthe packing of bask,1ets for some ing, etc. At present the committee needy famulies. is directing much of its activity to- Howard School,' one of the larger ward this two-fold goal: schools of Wilmette, undertook three (1) to raise the level o! children's projeets of Christmas giving. Their listening ehoices from progranis now primary children collected clothes, available, attempting ta develop in food, and tpys for Northwestern uni- n.--...-A~~~ WATCH TRIS COLUMN ON JAN- UARY i FOR FURTRER jRE- SULTS, 0F THE SUR VEY IN 1ARt- TICLE II.-Mrs.B L. Mitchell ra- dio chairman, District 21, mlinois Congress, of. Parents and Teachers. Archibald M.'Leish to Broadceast,.With N. U. Prof essor Archibald MacLeish, lib rarian. of congress- will collaborate with Prof. John T. Fredeick.,of Nor.thwestern i presenting a radio broadicast Suni- day morning cornmemorating the 50th anni-Versary of the invention of ,pinUing. The program i wJ be, heard on Prof. Frederick's regular. "0f Men and Books" broadcast anid wil be a tribute to Johann Gutenberg, inventor of prlnting. Mr. MacLeish, speaking f r o mi Washington, D. C., will talk about Gutenberg treasures in the Library of Congrese, and Prof. Frederick will dlscuss "Gutenberg in Amer- ica." The broadcast will be heard over, WBBM froni 10: 30 to 10: 45 a. m. w. J. aDEMACRER Mrs. Cloyd C. MeGuire, 515* Green- leaf avenUe, received Word Monday morning that lher brother, William J. Rademacher o! Mllwaukee, 52,' had died - uddeiily, of a heart allée tion. Sue.left for Milwaukee tiiat evenlng. Mr. McGuire was to join, her there Thursday mornmng for the funeraL. *Suri ing are the *ldow, »Me. and a daughter, Mrs. Lorraine Mon- cel. Mr. Rademacher,, Who *as vice- president o! the Cream City Casket compa ny, had been a gufferer from heart trouble for sonie timne. FRANTK. A.OELWACK Frank A. Oelerich, 1201 Green- wood avenue, Wilmette, died last Friday at St. Elizabeth's hospital ln Chicago after an extended Ilnes.. Hie was 72 years old and had been a resident of the community for the last seven years. Until lie retired two years ago lie was the head of Qelericli and Berry, eaesini molasses. Funeral services were held from