to carry out your ideas. r. or ivpevuapiij Egxperienced Carpenters IlC nutT i AT YOUR SERVICIE. WORIC GIIARAN., teei. .. llorakt. WËUOetka 3M8. 31LTNU24Ip _______________ te PAITiNe ANOD 0MORATINS LOST AND FoUND ~LOST-BIRI) DOG ýENGLISH SETIEÎ. I.SONKMilwaukee tag. .Ansiwers tluam 0COMPLETE DECOÀrATIN, SERVICE '*Eddcie." Reward. Ph. Wlmette330 rCes. WaU paper removeti 3LTN34.ltp 511 heb K.o-yde machine. Aiso pape LOST TUESDAY-WIREHIAIRED DOG, LaD hlure. UAI le' W)P. <pqY.female. ý Whte wlth two black spots, Ir. simte.Wll.t.-brown head. Wilinette 3L'183W1t LTNIG-ttp ______ BOMSPAERDe'Upcunar LOST DIAMOND WRIST WATCH. cale « either ln Evanston or' Wilmette.* Re- cae,$2*up.,,paper cleaned, $1, Moome ward.Wlete15. 3T 4-t waïhed and starcbed, $2.50 up. 'AMY Wlite15.3T3-t other decoratlng Very reasonable. Carry SMALL- PURSE CONTAINING MONIY compeIsation. WLUI~S JKOLNix, winn.* found at Villa de Metre. Call Wilrnette i91-l!. 3503. 2LTNS4-ltp 5342 between 9 and 5. 3LT34-ltp Painting and Decorating4 DCYL DImhoe~ DOOt&¶G ~wlth speedometer; white with chrom- Winnetka 710 luin trlmn. Lilce new. $14. iCeplwortb 1529 M25LTN31-tfc evenings. 4L34-Itp ~ GIRL'S 26- REBUILT BICYCLE. LUCE JOSEPH F. ROHAN NEW. $10. PHONE WINNETKA 294 PAINTING & DECORATING _________________ 15I1 Wlmette Ave. Wilmette 1193 10-A TOYis 25LTI(324tp LIONEL TRAIN, COMMODORE~ VAN- PIASTRINGderbilt. Engine, tender, 3 lighted coach- PLASERI, es,. remote control, wIistle, 130"* track. Repair., basemts., cementeti or whttwshd. Very gooti cond. $8.50. Bob Humphrey, G. A. Thursby Wfirnette 3387 520 Ash St., Winn. 2432. I0AL34-ltp wJi Bal 31 ONflNAKING DRESSMAKING - GOWNS, FROCKS, iI alterations. Chldren's clothes. At your 0 homne or mine. Glencoe 13.GU 31LTN344p H. ~coln, ~ ~~=~1 - uuu Ian-"on.01Y IExFpCRIENCED wHriTE womANw iTH Igond NS. references Wlishes ýday work, Service Page aundryr and cooklng. Wlnnetka 184. ervic PageWHITE: GIRL WISHES> LIGHT HOUSE. Iwork in small aduit farnlly. Mornings ________________7___ or afternoons. Wllmette preferred Cali 80 WERNGAPAILYOJG GIRL FOR D)AY WORK. Ex perienced. Éïefèrences.: Wilffette 169. GRE-Y'KUIMMER LAMBE COAT FOR 94LTN34.Itp sale, size 16. In excellent condition.'~ Very-reasonable. Call Glencoe 133. e~s aiTUATioNS WANt4ED-ME BOLTN34-ltp PARTY SçEIRVINOG, WINDW WASHING, Dark Brown Caracul Coat bouse cleaning, dune by experlenced colored man. Avallable. atter 2 p.n.ý 50. PERFECT CONDITION. SIZE 16. WIN. cents hour .N. rets. Glencoe 73. net1ka Ml2. 80L344tp <____________95LTN34-1tp PULL DRESS SUIT, SIZE .36-38, LYT. YOUR. HUMBLE SERVNTELEY ton HI. Perfect condition. $.10. CalU Christian Gent.,any oudEbrne. Willrette 758. 80TN34-ltp kind disp., gSocidriver, wi l lave clty. BOA W NTED ~ *U -CLO HIN* M ileharn, 811 Cleveland, Del. 7589. " -A WÀfàNT D T BU --CL THI Q 5LTN34-tp Martm's Clothing Store HAD A Wjjý By ENS E OM COMPLEEHOAND MPA RSFV sBeêà overcoats, als. fur coats. ie. Reasonàl rates. Work guaran. 742 Custer, Evanston Univeruity 22 95LTN34-itp 8OA-LTN52-tfe NEAT COLORED MANl WISJ*ES p =I tion in garage, filling station,ý or as 97 REAL STAIE LOANB chauffeur. 833 Emerson, Evanston. SPECIAL FUNDS95N3lt for - o sWTD.-MïBN a WOMgz FIRST MORTGAGES ExcS.lnREFS.k 60% Valuation at 4" % lnterest. -GOOd housernan andi chauffeur. * Also 4% rate 3V2ý yrs. experience. Gre. 5182. on hornes which qualify, 96LTN34.ltp ?HA LOANS *7 NgLP- WAN 8-WOMEN McGUIRE & ORR, Inc. GI -LS-COUPLES Over 45 years of Dependable Service Fine selectlon of jobs at all taies. 530 Davis St., Evans. Gre. 1080. Wl. 228 APPly in person only 87LT1434.ltc Carlson's Empi. Agency FIRST MORTGAGES 818 Elrn Street Winnetka Ù175 rIJNDS AVAILABLE AT CURRENT 07LrNà4.1týc RATES 0F IIITEREST. FilA FINANC- omestic Elelp Wt MNG. REFINANCING AND REORGAN. D MATION LOANS. PROMPT SERVICE. Go es Joseph C. Cormack & Co. Go es M8 Sherman Ave., Evanston Un. Lîndgren. Empi. Agéec 8ILNE3.tft WINNETKA 1047 811 FAIM ST. 4 SITUATION3 WANTED-WMEN GIRLS l ' r% . A K---- MNY AVAILABLE. Jrect 4