ni., t Il .lroly Comforter in Kenilworth, and a !,breakfast at -the Georgian hotel wil l follow. Onljr the immediate families wîi be present. The, bride. will have as her attend- ant, Mrs. William Zulch of Danville, Ili., and Gene Leecêh of Kankakee wili serve as best,man. Miss._Taylor, a ýformer Wilinette resident, and Mr. Eymann bothi at- tended Illinois Wesleyan university, where. Mr., Eymiann. also took his Master's degree in music. Miss,ÉTay- lor is a. member of Alpha Gamma -Delta, her fiance, of Phi Mu* Alpha. After a short wedding trip in the South,, the young couple wiil make their home at St. -John's Mich. Friends who have been entertain- ing for the bride include Mrs. EmUl Nordl9f .235 irchwod l1e, Wil- mette, who gave a personal shower. at her home, anid Mrs. H. A. Storms, 251 Wood court, Wilmette, who was, hostess a.t a Iuncheon and miscel- laneous shower. A luncheon at the San Pedro, with a kitehen shower fol1lowing at her home, was given by Mrs. William A. Richardson, 1233 Lake avenue, Wilmette. Miss Phyl- lis Wermuth of Chicago' entertained at an evening party and a shower in honor of the bride. Dudley, VenIlasen Is Engaged fo Marry Mr. and Mrs. Howard L. Sage of Rogers Park announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Jean Rose, to Dudley R. Veneklasen of Wil- mette. Mr. Veneklasen is the son; of the Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Vene- klasen of the First Presbyterian church, and is assistant division mana ger in the Lawrence Avenuer 3100 SImeidam load Unfuishd 6-7.8 Rms. i r. , Sis. Among the> holfdqy brides viU be Miss Harriet, Taylor, daugh-, ter of Mr.. and- _Mra. -Ravmomd Dowse Taylori, nMOwf Evanston but formerly# of Wflmette., She will be mared ta Date W. Ey- mann, son of Mr. a n d Mra. Joseph Eymann, Jr., of Pontiac, Ill., Saturday morning of this week. E ngageçi to Marry 0f recent announcement is the en- gagement of Miss Dorothy Cairns, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Charles W. Cairns of Evanston, to James Ferguson of Shawnee Country club, son of Mrs. Margaret L. Feruson Revecil Engagement Mr. and Mrs. John R. Cashel of the Orrington hotel are making known the engagement of their daughter, Virginia Dorothy, to Clif- ford G. Groh of Wilmette. Miss Cashel is a Junior at Stephens col- iDuge a~nd Mr. Gfoh ah .senior a Write o)r CaU-Ifr. Caoni DUCInabmu 4041 -for Descrfptlpe Boolet LOATION.. Exclusive nReudental Neigh. borhoo)d, mar Bebuont uor aMd Lincoln Park. ýCoVnunit ta Gaages. Shove. Uchoola aMd Churches. fnue Service. Large Rooma witb Unobatmobt ed vleýw of Lake. and Lincoln Park. Splendid Ckoset Spae. Adaptable ta AnRNodm of Pr-, Patronize Our Advertisers WJEDOLDT"S EVANSTON E VENING, SIIOES Give Clamor To Any Qce*asu Charge p urchauses made alil Uda ,eek wil oppear on, payabte in February Il - - O'ua.~s *8~ (t-)ý