* A mhystery which bas baffled stu- dents of English literature for a cen- ,turY is the subject of a piece of scholarly detective work 'by Dr. Arthur H. Nethercot, prof essor. of English at Northwestern univer sity. ii.a new boôk,,"'The Road, to* Try- Friday, January 5, is philanthropY eér maine," Dr. Nethercot has reex- swgday at-the Womnan's Club of ammned ail a vailable evidepce in an Wilmette for the Infant efr attempt, to explaîn "Cluistabel,» an ciet.ofChia1g.'.unâÊni oerm by .the English -au- The Infant Welfare society 'is. said ~e to be the only organization in CM horiau-. .Cirdgaon cago wlth a comprehiensive program which, schoiarly discussions have for. guarding the heaith of. expectant raged for generations. mothers 'and'small children in the The.poem, one ýof the great ciass- poorest areas. r ics of English literature, tells the Other social. agencies take care of story of Christabel, a knight's dauigh- mfaterialneeds of chiidren by prom ter, who 'meets a. strange womnan, viding relief for dependent families. Geraidine.., She is just beginning to There are agencies that.,finid foster exert a. strange influence over Chris-. homes for children. in need and those table and hier father when the fiag that take care of children if they be- ment breaks off. Dr. Nethercot bas corne siek. corne to the conclusion Geraidine is TeInfant Welfare society is said à vampire, related to the ghostly t ethe only oni wori1ng in the -baond-sEuck1ng brooilmmôrtal!ed -In over-crowded district whose efforts the novel, "Dracula." He further are devoted to' preventing sickness offers a tentative outiine of what he and establishing good health among believes Coleridge would have done children. if hie had completed the poem. *Mrs. Frank G. LaBonte, president of Wixtiette center; says, "This work is necessary, not only for the im- provement of the families with -u. whom the Infant Weifare nurses, Ifleta Upsilon1 doctors, and nutritionists corne in- problt, but a great'ciuy ik Chi-Charity Balilat cago, and to make Chicago a better CL neighbor for Wilrnette and other sub- JU]awnee Toni c urban communities." Mrs.ý John P. Hlarris1 will be sew- A gala event on the hc ing chairman at the Woman's. club calendar is the Theta .1 on January 5. Mrs. HIarris will be annual charity formai assisted by the following commit- will be heid this evening tee: Mesdames Charles ]Robb, Wil-, in the ballroom of th liam Horsting, Frankç Crowell,Conyclb ArhrMahie, Charles Burlingame, Dancing will begin atý Arthur the music of Vincen, Arthur Wilson,, Lowell Snorf , hsoceta an r George Redding, Charleg Moody, mette is the featured vog Seymour Jones, Ralph lfartman, Parn oftebi Ralph . Jengs adMrv, and Mrs. Harry C. Kini Harms.Mrs. C. Rollin Smith, Mi Mrs. Leonard- Starkel will be In Rnrry WMons. Mr. r R.ho- 1ht 3liday social, Upsilon Rho bail which, (Thursday) he Shawnee 9:30 o'clock .t Weis and indes of Wil-, calist. include Mr. ne, Mr. and DeHaven1 Miss Rita Kuipers of 1023 Tatld avenue, Wilrnette, has named chairman of the di dance to be given by the Ji auxiliary of the Evanston( olic Wornan's club in the M( Dining roorn of the Edgeu Beach hôtel Thursdciy, Deý ber 28. Miss Kuipers ii assistecl by Miss Betty Wit and Miss Evelyn Kobler of anston and Miss Mary VirÉ Tllman o! Chica go. Smth Clubs to Hoki Jofit Luncheon Fria The Chicago Smith CoilegE and the Evanston-North Shore, College club will hoid their joint Christmas luricheona Arts club of Chicago, 4(00 Michigan avenue, Friday,, I ber 29, at 12 o'clock. Victoria Louise Schrager, ident of Student Government. Sewing, Day Jan. 5 Infant W.If are Society Beneficiary of Work to Be Don. by Wulm.*t. Women Januery 5 , Norti I)ecem- pres- tûili Women VoIers Hear TaIk Bycg Church oke, wno i15 visit on ber, lun cheon will be )rd of Minneapo- ýommate at Hoiy- ig off here for a 0college. wrnl give a talJc Trees." The boai samne place at 1: ,O- isteci at government must first re- lay duce expenditures. In the matter of is trade agreements he believed we of were beîng outtraded, but that there, is little we can do about it. oe dock,. Meeting Jan. 1 SLocal Chapter Has Commnitte. Selling Tîckefs for .Shriners'. Cir- -tus' 0. E. S., Day Jan. 9. On New, Year's night a stated. meeting. of Wilmette chaipter, Order of Eastern Star, will be held. January 9, bas been designated as Eastern Star day at the ,Shrinersg' Scireus to ýbe -he-Id at the -International, karnphitheater, Union Stock Yards in, Chicago *as a benefit for the Chi- eago unit, Shriners' Hlospitals for. Crippled Children. Orville, D. Jones Sand joseph. Converse are In chag ~'of the sale of tickets. S At the December 18 meeting, Mrs. Maybelle K. Oakwood, matron, ap- pointed the following ehairmen of committees: A. J. Xuelzow, patron, Photo finance; Mesdames Harriet M. Flos- rAsh- ken, by-laws; Gertrude M. Morgan, 1 been visitat1ion; Bertha G. Werner, re- inner freshments; Clara J. Jones, tele- lunor phone; Adeline Wiemers, card. Cath- parties; Ina J. Meyers. relief: Eva rarine G. Pyfer, birthday table; Lois 'B., iater Dick and Hlazel Medow, sewing: ?cern- Dorothy L. Kuelzow, eligibility: Ger-: il be trude M. Ackermann, courtesy: tthoft .Martha A. Keel, examining. Orrin f Ev- W. Thatcher' was appointed color -ginia bearer; Mesdames Irene T. Ander- son. soloist; Caroline I. Converse, in- structor; and Mary W. Jones, cor- respondent. A Christmas party for the chul- dren, with. Herman Brichacek as Santa Claus who distributed gifts, ly preceded a dinner. After the meet- Y ing games and dancing were the.en-, 'e club tertainment provided by Mesdames ',-ýSmith Evangie Lee Morgan and Gèrtrudc annual M. Morgan assisted by Miss Esther at the Morgan. - M. W. J. 1I