Edgaàr McKinney served as bis brother's best man, while the wed-l diiig march was played by Mrs. Edward Otis of Chicago,. a close friéna of the bride. John Chapin of Akron, Ohio, came; home to be here for his sister's wedding a n d other out of-town~ guests were Mr. and Mrs. B. H Chapin of Niles, Mich., the bnide'sý aunt and uncle. 1 * Aside from the altar formed of *Christmas trees and poinsettias in the living room, the house was de c- orated with Christmnas greens anid Americani beauty roses for the cere- *mony which took place in the pres- *ence of relatives. Afterwards punch and wedding cake.were served. Mr. lWcKinney and bis bride are taking a short trip this week and wiIll return before New Year's day, %%heni Mr. and Mrs. Chapin wlll give a reception at their home from 4 to 8 o'clock in honor of the young cou- ple. A little later on they are going, west for a month on a trip, and are to, make their home in Rogers Park for the presenit. HodOpen House. Mvr and' Mv#. Rothe W eiget of70 Elmwood1 avenue, Wil- mette ainnounce the engagemient ef their daughter, Geovgialee, to Fred L. Grange v,-Son-of-. Mv.> and. Mra. 'Fred L. Grauger oT Benton Harbor, Mich. Mr. Gran- gev graduates fvom Purdue uni- versity this Jume and is a ment- ber of the Triangle fraternit4j. Miss We:igel is a gradtLate of New Trier High school and a junior at Purdue. No date for the wedding has been set. Check Makes Possible Braces for Cripptes A Christmas gift for which the Evanston Society for Crippiled Chil- dren was more than grateful, was a check for $137.50O from the Cook county chapter, of the National F'oundation 'for Infantile Paralysis, for the purchase of braces for four of the patients for whom the soviéty cares. These patients are ail infantile paralysis victims, three of school age, and one aduit. The money is part of the President's Birthday f un d, and beginning this year, money raised by the bail is being returned, in part for relief of cases in the local community. As the Crippled Children's society has a limited sumn at its disposal for Le Gent and- Bien Jolie Girdies and Corsettesý