and MeGu rk New Trier were the gaie ne personai fouis. Dewey aiso was banished to the showers- f o r indulging, Inire- partee with. the referee. Wauke- gan's famned Pierce was high, scorer with 23 points, more than hall bis tean's total. The frosh-soph game was, a miid- er affair, with the visitors Ieadihg ail the, way.. Box SCORES, VarsltY (3 Waukegan (44) ..m B.F. P. , : B.Fp. p Wilson,f, .... 3 5 3 Piercef . ..10 3i Baptistaj . .3 1i1i Smjtnik,f . 0,i 1 Redfieldc . .1i 2 3 Anastof,c .*2 0 4 MeGurk, . ..0 0 4 13iýed,g .. 1 3 4 Deweyg. ..0 4 3 Kawal,g...;i2 Ensonf. ..2 2 2 Swansonf -j.1 1 Stiflmanic .-0 1 1. Burnett,c . .0 j Price,g..2 0 O Adams,g . ..j1 à Kerkorian,g 0 0 i Speanek, g - 2 1 4 Fresh-Soph (24) Waukegan (44~) Raggiof... .0 2 2 Zakaref... .8 1 2 Palenslçef.0 0 i Sonn,f ...o o i Benson,f . ý. 2 1 0 GugoIa,f ... .7 1 O Miller,f .... 2 1 O Mihollc,c . .. 2 1 1 Schmick i AO0O0Tiddymontc 0O0O1. Jorgensen.c 4 1 0 Domnos,g . .. 0 0 3 Heerensg . .0 0 ' Oensg. 0 O1 Bushnell.... Statk Uwic,g 3 0 3 MclIntyre,g .0 O 2 Grosche,g . .0 1 O Patronize Our Advertisers the most expcriencea i- veston,. flut-there is one gaft you can give her which vill malce her self-supporting. it vil give lier solf-confidïnce. Each yearn lfit viii b.. corne more valuabie to ber. Make ber, happy vitli A LIFE-TIME GIFT. C, .write or phonie today anudasic us to tell you more about it. ID-YEAR TORM STARTS1 TUESDAY, JANUARY 2 Day and Evening EVANSTOR BUSINESS .COLLEGE 1718 SHERMAN AVE. UNI. 3004 WM. H. CALLOW, Principal I thé lower photo Sister Carmel of the kindergarten discusses safety with the pupils. Sister Jobanilia instructs the first graders. Each room of the schooi bas its own safety program under the direction of Sis- ter Superior Marelia. RETURN TO MEMPHIS Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Lind of Mempi,. Tenn., who spent Christ- Family Holds Christmas' Gathering in'Miinneapolis- Mr. and Mrs. Ua-r-y-7Wý. Monis, 157 Woodstock a v e n u e, Kenilworth, spent Christmas with their daugb- ter and famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. R. il. Wille, and Susan Jean, ini Minneap- olis. Lnciuded in the farnily i4ather- Now., The ,Annual- JA'NUARY SALE' 707 Church St. 675 N. Michigen Avenu. Evanston Chicago january z, at mras holidays