ment, he added, he was interested in the passage of an ordinance bas- I ed, upon past experience, in order that,,when called upon to defend it, in court,: he might have-at, least L an equal chance of winninig. Great Care lu Selection In the selection of the .committee, it is generally regarded, President Kinne , has., shown excellent judg.ý -ment and fine discrin-fination. Its personnel iscomposed of men vital- ly interested in. the 'future welfare of the, village, and so, constructed that citizens may have full confi- dence in its fairness,- with no dis- position or opportunity to favor one group over another. President Kinne emphasizes that the commnittee is a free and. inde- pendent body, appointed to make its own study of the proposed amnend- ment and arrive at its own conclu- sionis and suggestions for revisions. *or additions. When its report is finally submitted, he said, the Vil- lage board and the Zoning commis- Sion will* give it full and impartial consideration. Eàch member. of the cornmittee was handed a copy of the amendment for examination and * study. Committee Personnel, The personnel of the committee, \with business or profession indicat- ed, is as ýfollows: * F. Dewey 'Anderson, president, Wil- mette State bank. William C. Huggins,. buikier. Robert M. Johnston, real estate. D. E. Allen, real estate. Henry J. Brandt, attorney, and presi- * denl, Board of Education. James J. Gathercoal, architeet. L. Morgan Yost, architect. Fr.ank L. Petru, attorney. Irvin A. Blietz, designer and builder. * Robert E. Ricksen, stocks and bonds. Nor'man 'B. Collins, banking. Robert W. Tansili, insurance. Sam C. Meyeis, picture theatres. James Magili. Public Service Company of Northern Illinois. Walter 0. Haas, American Telegraph and Telephone company. Mareus J. Mick, building materials and fuel. Byron Hf. Knàpp, furniture. Bernard S. Black, printing. Roger An d erson was the highes t individual in: total. sales with $102.Others in the fifth,> sixth, seventh, and eighthgrades who sold $10 or more were:, Marilou Heiser, Mary Crowell, Willoughby Good- sniith, Sue, Ellen Loucks, Catherine Schreiber, Lois Hawley, RUobert El- lis, R ichard Kilner, Walter Dodd, Laura-Alice, Dodd,* Leonard Gilbert, John'Holmes, Renée de La Chapelle, John Crowell, Nancy Eioetger, Gloria Giddes, .Jerryý Ketcham, Carolyn Tudor, Barbara Dyer,. Robert Car- penter, Barbara Weishaar,' Alice Barnes. Gloria Gridley,, Dorothy Lideeker, Sue Peck, Virginia' Sen- siba,, Karen Williams, and Gwain Williams. List Youangest Salesunen Children in the first through fourtil grades who s old $e or more were: John Humphrys, Joan Bulley, Flor- ence Maurer, Bradley Glass, Janet Fry, Donald Sehiangèn, Tommy Schmitz, Jane Meacham, Tommy Hoetger, Bertel Kleerup, Betty Schaeffer, Joan Vedovell. The sale of seals was only a part Christian Science Sunday,, December 24. The golden text was, "Break, forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: for the Lord hath comforted his people, he bath redeemed Jerusalem" (Isaiah 52:9). Among the citations which com- prised the lesson-sermon was the following from the Bible: "For ever, 0 Lord, .they word is settled ini heaven. 0 how love I thy law; It is~ Andy aoiis and scrap books; the third and fourth gradies made scrap books and filled .stockings as-did all the Girl Scouts; the Cubs made. toys. tÔ give away; the Boy Scouts in ithe upper grades helped repair anything that needed. to be repaired, the Girl Scouts painted the toys, and. dressed all'the dolîs. Somne of -the toys, books,:doils, and clothing were sent to t he Women and> Children's Convalescent, home in Chicago, some to the Illinois Chu-m dren's homne,,some to the Children's Memorial hospital iChicago, somne to the Methodist churchj in. Cicero to be distributedi;, the Raggedy Ann dolîs to Berea. Several rooms brought Christma trees and these were distri'buted to nanAt kn.e.nLna ~10 Construction Loans L HOW TO SAVE Start the New Year wudu oefl of Our Mon*hy SaivingaP lous widi EARNINGS. OR Pay for Your: Home Like Rent Wlth Orne of -Our Honme àL4n Winnetka, Building & Loan. Assgociaion 716 Ehn st. wl,,,,. 1611. %v'is 2233 E RVUCEI:r IService SERVICEDAY AND NIGHT tiown nere xrom tbe west for Christmas. OF QUALITY, BUIOLDING A N CINGC BUI LDINGC WiIuiette 456 l is a junior at Purdue univ(