An unequalled oportuy Ji i fJ 1 1 t. enJOY as you like it. La 0loUers the charm CALIFORNIA of witer mildnesi. plus galorelg Pan*0The ideal -base- for enJoyment niow wtth your Travel 0 a mild Southern California Agent for a Southern CaR. 0 On the oçean, a few nùnutes fornia wifter utterly 41f- north of Sgin]Diego and -;auliur ferent. .. li LaJoUai fom ld e3iêaco. 0 AU ypesof, tourjit, aeComoida- tosavailable. LA JOULA OFFERS RRed VACATION VARITY A A A. A. A. A. .& _ Corne Down to the Sunahine City (William D. Leary Seriously Hurt in MotoflAècident What was probably, the most seri- ous automobile accident occurring within the village 1îrnits during 1939, toolk place at 11:'40 o'clock Wednes-1 day mnorning of last week, when William D. Leary, 430 Tenth street, veteran Wimetté banker, was driv- ing his car north on Ridge road. As he approached the curve just south of Wilmette avenue, the car left the pavement in front o! 235 Ridge road, struck a telephone pole wvhich was broken off by the impact, then lodged against a tree, a corn-, plete wreck Responding to a cal, the police r *.q-h ri4-h - - - -- IN 'CONNECTICUJT VILLAGE Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison Goodyear moved the first of. Octo- ber into the new Willtamsburg home which they have ,purchased at 1311 Richmond lane in the Connecti- cut Village. Thie Goodyears, who have been in Chicago for the past. year, formerly lived in Evanston. They have one son, John, who will be a year old January 6. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Goodyear for Christ-' mjas were her aunt, Mrs. Maude S. Wise , of Watseka, fil., and son, Sam Wise, and Mrs. Goodyear's parents, Mr. and Mis. Thomas H. Boyd of Evanston. 'U imvls e he road. Mis Betty Boyle, daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. JO ,hn J. Boyle, 829 EIrn- ER wood avenue, is spending the Christ- Âttle of 514' mas vacation wlth her parents. She entertained is home for the holidays.from De- nily dinner Pauw universitywhere she is a jun- mas day. 101'.