This seaýson offers your opportunity to take a .Western or Soul+iern holiday at o ne of thie maly, .1atractive American winter resorts you have always wanted. to vst. As' "eye-wtness" ad- visors and- official representaflves, let us arrange. details ý of escorted' or independent. travel by, land, sea, or air, and secur e .your. réservations at resort,. ranch,- or, hotel. 'ENo added charge. Ask for fravel fol.ders. Dy, Marjorie McLean Leary School Consultant Boarding schools must assume, in their stride, the dUties of the par- ents, the home and the school., 1The Iite.-social, 'moral, spiritual, and educatioa-mrfust be so correlated that. the cardinal' virtues and: self- discipline, as well as skills and ap.- titudes, are absorbed in the process. A great deal ýwill depenid, of course, on 'the calibre of'the teachers,1 asý well as the ideas "and attitudes. of' the beads1 of, the school. Mary Ellen Chase. in, "A Goodly Fellowship," an atborpia story. of ber- learning and teaching experiences, gives a concise picture Wf a remnarkable little boarding school in Wisconsin, wvhich, no longer ,exists, but where she had taught for thiree years, early in ber teaching career. Her description of the heads of the school, The Lloyd-Jones sisters andi brothers, who were "uncles" .and "launts" to the children and teachers alike; the great care and perspicuity which- they took in the selection of the teachers; the lack of strident discipline, but the insistênce that every chilti learn to live on decent termns with the large and decent fam- ily of students anid tea chers; the re- spect of both pupils and teachers for individual talent or lack of iR; the description of the nu eat.ân