Tour guests wUI truly ap- preclate Lauser's fine quai- ity:zmixers. OrderLasser's- today. "Qu-aiay ahui Pnrity Perfect for SPMICEO MANS Taul -Caas........... New Yeurus Eve 3 for2 MALE HMLCON, CARNE With more meat an wtth beanu. TaIn canmz for 35c TAMAILES Filied with plentyi Tl1 cais ....... CHILI POWib(R Hotie ....... of quality meat. 2for 29C *"We Recomnuend Gebbordt's Quality Foods" 'g Il lie, Is Outstomdlngq ueIity SHEFFOIW VIIEVELLE packed ini economnical 1 lb. and 2 IL. aves anid in the trial Ik lb. package. This rich cheese food is the answer to your lunch- eon problems. Chevelle mneits,ý spréads, slices and cooks. Its rich, smooth, *creaniy texture: plus. the. exclusive Chevelle, flavor demonstrates Shefford su perior quality cheese. Order Cheveile today. In response to your :enthusiastic ýre.ception ofShefford Genumàe Sweet, Cream Cheese we again feature it ý3 frp5 BREMNER.DROS. SPECIAL *EL FI N $sB CUCl S f Full lb. pkg. * 15e A superior salted cra cker that wiil add zest to salads and soups. Try a package today and note the differ- ence. A HOLIDAY TREAT. Lb. Sfrowberry Cre.m Soda Brandy Wl.., Gren, Volley Large 12ý-oz. botties., $'in handy carrier. . Pound Pk.j For New Year'Wafch Pa.rties and Lancheons CIIOICE YRILLOW CLINS PEACHES . .il. ......Lrg. No. 21/z Ceas****i9c POP CORN eeeee**.Vc. SeoIedlgrg COR& FANOT DEEP $EA CRASMEAT pun FRUIT PRESERVES OLD MONK RIPE OLIVES PETER PAN APPLE SAUCE.. WILSON*S DEVILED HAM. e... PopuIer P.Vty Item 61/2oz. * Exceptiag Struwb.rry** e e .. .* ColossaIl Plu ....55c 213c ....9cý Ne. 2Site Cap$ 2 for 13c ee~...e. lu31/4 or. Tins Tender as buffer and 1asfy as can b.. Special PRIME OEUF RIS ROAST., 4 6th mnd 7th ib,..... 1lst 5 ribs, ILb 38c 2 for 25c e e ~ * .ç 4 lbs. 25c .oz..39c . 3 doz . 59c Large MO. 1 WHITE MISHROOMSO FANCY VALENTINE GREEN DEAN S .2for 15e, I..L. box 29c 2 qfs. 29c *OLD MONKi TRIPLE WHIPPED, Salod Dressing quart rW 1 AI U UNI rb Mac.Seoied Large Cona 85 9 OLD MONK, PUTTED COCKTAIL CHERMIES e.wi*IIStems, 8-.t. o for 43c MOTIIERS STYLE PINEAPPLE NUGGETS. FAI4CY. TENDER, FLAKY RED ALASKA SALMON... iar 3.5c Large ON.2'/z Casi flor 55 c Fatuil. on 2 for 55 ASSORTED CUTS LUNCHEON MEATS. For watch parties l.53c Ducis -Squuabs -CapoaS -ChIcleni Joe'Dafry Farm Sausag...-Prs Secside S.Ioc* Oystoe "Prlce Is WItIa.ut Quelitfy" OURMEATS ARE PRIME GRADE- - U5. S. INSPECTID Wilmette 420 Phone WiImett. 420 CALIFORNIA NAVEL ORANGES Extra large. size l.29c ; t FRUITS aodVEGETABLES àh AM 0 1 .,. 28c