Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 Dec 1939, p. 9

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sic with us, wIllsing an ola iEngun carel. Mmi Church achool. under the leader- sbip of Howard A. Berg, finishes Its first quarter of the uchool yeaàr on Sunida'., AttUton will b. given te the work for the new. termn, begihnnlng Januar>' 7. New pupJIs wIil be receivcd at this time. The sehool enjoyed la succesuful Christmas season, with man> châritable gitt and an. Inspiring Crltmas pageanit. lFour members cf. the scheol 'united with thé cburcb on Chrstmas. Sunda>'. Much wïll be made, cf the Quarteri>' meeting Wednesday, January, 3. TINe des- cons have 4rrangÏd for an interestlng prograrn at the close cf. which. we shall havetimefor. social feflowshlp and greetlng cf our new members. Ail active members are asked to reserve this date for the church. The Adult Bible course. at 10 o'clock Sunclay mornlngs. Is bcglnning a review of t*h- onmnmftn a nd unfherinW of fthe Kenilworth Union Dr. Herbert L. WIlett, ainister Dr. Willeti's subject for 'Sunday, De - ûember 31, wil b. 'Untc Ths Last."* The church service la ai il 'clock. The music for the church serviîce %vill be as foflws:« Organ Prelude-Prelude.......FPaulkes Coenîng Sentene-ýPraise -'..Beethoven Anthem-A Legend....... Tschaikeowsky Offertory- AîrfroznSuite ln D...Bach Solo-Be Thou Faltiaful Unte Deati ..... 1.......-Mendelssohan (Mr. Tanner) Niew Testament books. A cordial invita- The Sunda>' uchool will meet at 9:45. tien 18 extended te ail Who would like ta1 There are classes for children between refteuh telr msderstu,,dihof the. ocipel the agegrfa heklidrgïlw"ad th sources. Everett Groves Is the new presi- iiigii school. Visitors are Inited. dent cf the class, and Charles Broach Jlu- secretar>'.I A cordial invitation is extcnded te those - not attending church elsewhere te corne- The Wcman's soclet>' lu planning an un- and wersblp wlth us. This Iu a union umual programn for its Januar>' luncheon. church. its membership includes people when representatlves cf civic and social fromn varfcus denominations. It pro- agencies will present their work. Mrs. dlaims tie essentiel truths cf the Chris- H. A. Orvis wiflhave the devotional and tian faith. It desires ta provide for the Mrs. J. C. Blaylock the panel discus- communit>' the service of worship. relig- sion. ius education and social feîlowship. It wclcom.es the co-operation cf aIl people On New Year's Sunday. January 7. a cf jeod will who wislj te preniote the grupof ncw nembers wilh be receiveci w. are of the neighborliood, the realiza- rnteChristian fellowshlp. There willI be a tien cf effective anethods cf philanthropy, challeng nuDmiste>' of recensecration, and the. extension cf the Gospel bte ail throgh te muia n ad the message of the world. câl' pastor. An>' *l ave no church home in Wlbette are most welcoavae b)t1o, moie a profession of faitia and ta affhii- St.Jo nsL tea ,ate wlth tbis cliurch. (Misouri Synod) OsTh Spetrum'.-Wlmette and Park avenues ~Th Spetrm."lavishlv illustrèted J.1IL Gockci. pester booklet of eur Baptiat activities in wct-ld- wide service, wiil be dlstrlbuted on Sun- SERVICES day. Be sure te gel a ccp>' f)r your 9:30 a.,i.-Sunday seheol and Bible class. famil>'. 'Il a.i.-Adult clas,; confirmation service. 7:45 p.m.-Preparatory service for Hol>' Communion. Firat Presbyterlean 8 p.m.-New Year's, Eve service, wth, Ninth Street at Greenleaf avenue Hol>' Communion. -tames T. Véneklasen. minister 9:45 a.m., New Year's Day-Preparatory service for Hel>' Communion.11 'flc mrniq wrslp ervce Illbe10 a.m., New Vear's Day-Service in Ger- an unique Old Vear's service, departing mnan, wlth Hol>' Communion. KAPPA Pl. PM f We will flot meet Sunday, Pecember c31. This i. the last Sunday cf your vaca- tion. On .Tanuary 7,. we willi meet at 7 o'ciock« and everyone cf you should be 1present. The new play, «&Spring FPever" twull be discussed. BOTy SCOUTS Troops I:and Il will mneet on Tuesday. Jranuary 2 at 7:-30 in, their regular rooms. GIRL SiCOTS Girls of Troop VI must flot forget the part>' for Chase lieuse girls on Friday, December 29, at 2 o'clock. EagelikalLutheran Seventh street at Greenleaf -A HOUSE 0F WORSHIP"4 SUNDAY SERVICES, Church school .. 9:45 a.mn Morning worship..... *..... e.... il a.m The music for the service of. worship next Sunda>' morning is as fôllows.: Prelude-Pastoral, lut Symphony Aj *;ý _* _* .......... Guilmant Anthe-Slumber Song cf the Infant Jeuar ....ý- . .. eaq The Senior Choir Song-Hark, What Mean those Holy Voices...................... Mozart The Junior Choir Postlude-March ini D Major. ;Guilrant Victoria MeLeod-Minlstry of Mdusic The Church scbool convenes on Sunda>' morning at 9:45 o'clock. There are class- es for ail ages. We invite you to corne and learn with us in our Church school. Attend ôur service cf worshlp ,next Sunday mornmng. Your week will be more joyous. The' Womns societ>' wiIl holdi ls Janu'- ary meeting Thursdav afternoon, Janu- ar>' 4. et 2 o'clock. The. pastorwiIcn tinite bis seies of lectures on the C(hurcb, A cordial invitation is extended to ail the women te attend this meeting. Choir rehearsals are as foiiows: Junior choir, Saturday mnorning at 10 a.m.. Higb Sehool choir, Monday at 7*30 p.m. and the Senior choir, Thursday at. 7:30 p.m. If you have a singing voi7e and woul' d lue te sing in a church choir w. invite you te attend our rehearsals. Attend church regularly in 1940. he church wlth the beauty of a cethedral and the comfort and warmth of the fire-. side cordially Invites ail those without a church home te our services of worshlp. God's Word has the. solution fr cà er The, Chorus choir meets for rehiearsal tonlght, (Thursda>'> et 7:45 o'clock in the Junilor room. Every member- is 'urged te b. present and on time as 'the Sunday evening concert wll be put'in final shape. The Officiai -board wlll meet on the second' Monday cf the. month owing to the fact that New Year's Day lu On the first Mondey. Every nmember cf *1he Of- ficiai Bloard is urged te put the date of JanUaary 8 on hus or her calendar now. The WofliI-8 fftild îihêftsThtfrsday. January 4, '2at1he churcb. The Execui- tive Committce wiUl meet at 10:30 o'clock, and the luncheon will be served at noon by, the Fiftli division. At .1 o'clock there M'iIl b. a joint progrem cf the Woman's Missionar>' societ>' and the Guild. Our Scout troeps will resume their regular meetings next week as follows: Girl Scout Troop 2-Thuruda>' at 3:45 p.m. Girl Scout Treop 4-Tuesday at 3:45 p.m. Boy Scout Treep 3-Tuesday at 7:30 p.rn. St. Auguatine's The Rey. Hubert Carleten, rector *The Rev. Chandler Sterling. curate S'nday, Decen*er 31 First Sum4ay Afler Christmnas 8 a.m.-Holy comimunion -9:45 a.m. - Church Sciiool Il a.m. - Hoiy communion and sermon Christmas music te lie repeated Thursday, December 28 Roly Isocents' Day 8 am. - HoI>' communion Monda>', January 1 8 a.m. -Hiol>'communion Tuesday, January 7.». i. Boys' choir rehearses Int parish house. 7.,45 p.m. - Aduit choir rehearses. in pariai house. ne 5t o ne. The Harrison A. Storuip, Jr., a student eSapra- ut California "Tech" at Pasadena, a*s be 18 leaving Wlmette Saturday after 1 mem- spending thie holldays wvith bis par- adthis ents, Mr. and I(rs. Harrison A. e saStorms of 251 Wood court, Wlmette.

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